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MKT 101 Fall 2017: Starbucks' Marketing Strategy

Essay Instructions:

Analyze the marketing strategy of one of the following companies: Costco, Amazon, McDonald's, and Starbucks. Cover the following topics: brief history, line of business (organization mission), target market(s), SWOT, marketing strategy (4Ps), marketing department organization, value proposition, competitive environment, Web/store dynamics, global operations, social responsibility/sustainability, and marketing metrics (assessing failure or success through sales, market share, profits, return on equity). 
Special Topics to be covered: 
Costco--gray market, intelligent loss of sales, membership fees, low gross profit margins
Amazon--Amazon Locker, Amazon Dash, 1 click purchasing, Amazon Fresh, purchase of Whole Foods, two-day or less shipping, Amazon Prime, Amazon Student, Echo and Dot
McDonald's-- supplier issues in China, McDonald's as a real estate company, freedom of franchises to purchase goods from new vendors, coffee expansion, freedom to purchase goods and services from vendors meeting quality test
Starbucks--Arizona State free tuition, no fair trade coffee, Starbucks app, wine served in evenings, prepaid coffee, co-branding coffee with Costco, site selection strategy
Your paper should be a combination of analysis of library-based research, evaluation of material from the firm's 10-K, Standard & Poor's Industry Analysis, and your own observations (store visits, test drives, consumer interviews, etc.)
I will not accept topics on alternate papers.
You will then be asked to upload your term paper to Turnitin.com. Turnitin.com reviews your paper against published research and a database of prior papers (including paper mills) in an effort to discourage plagiarism. I will receive a full report on each paper submitted. You will also receive a full report.
To upload your paper, follow these directions:
 I will grade papers that are handed in on or before November 22, 2016 (one week prior to regular due date). You can then at your option, resubmit the corrected paper for review for a possible higher grade. THIS OPTION IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR PAPERS FIRST SUBMITTED AT THE DUE DATE.
Your paper should reflect current sources, current practices, have a balanced perspective (pros versus cons), examine the differences between domestic and international strategies (if applicable), and have a scholarly tone. Factors which differentiate an excellent from a fair paper include: currency, extensive use of footnoting, the number and quality of sources used, the use of figures and tables to synthesize material, the effective integration of material from diverse sources and perspectives, and the development of a well-thought conclusion.
(1) Use the social science form (e.g., Brown 2017a) Please include a full bibliography. For Web sites, use the Web address and date accessed for the source line. (www(dot)dell(dot)com/us/investor.htm as of August 15, 2017).
(2)Start your paper early. This will enable you to obtain all of the necessary data, to properly reread your paper, to incorporate the latest developments, and to properly study for your finals.
(3)Here are some hints in better consulting academic and trade sources:
Hofstra's library contains the following online databases: 
 oThese are the online commercial databases you should use: Business Source Premier, Factiva, LexisNexis Academic, and Mergent Online.
Look up Standard and Poor's NetAdvantage for the respective industry analysis.
Use the World Wide Web for the most current sources. Distinguish between company sites, and articles accessed through the web. 
Get the company's 10-K from www(dot)sec(dot)gov. (EDGAR). A large proportion of firms also place financial reports on their web site (many require that you first download and install a recent version of ABODE ACROBAT).
(4) Your paper should be as current as possible. The vast majority of your footnotes should be from 2016 or later.
(5) Back up your paper frequently (every half hour or so).
(6) The ideal page length of this paper is 10 pages (using a 12 point font and 1 inch margins).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Starbucks’ Marketing Strategy
Starbucks Corporation is an American organization that was established in 1971 with its headquarters located in Seattle, WA. Since its establishment, Starbucks has revamped its image by growing into a giant coffee retailer in the global market. Currently, according to its website, it operates in more than 70 countries. This is a great improvement for the company as compared to previous years. This has been possible due to the social strives that it has made. According to its website, its mission statement is "to inspire and nurture human spirit – one person one cup and one neighborhood at a time." This mission contains two primary components; inspiring and nurturing the human spirit as well as one person, one cup and one neighbor at a time. Starbucks strives to offer a satisfying experience by extending its warmth to their customers. The second component is aimed at creating a meaningful impact to each employee and customer. Its brand portfolio comprises of Tazo, Evolution Fresh, Ethos, Teavana, La Boulange and Seattle's Best Coffee. Additionally, it sells tea, other beverages as well as a wide range of food products (Annual Report, 2016). The company has more than 20,000 stores across the world where 51% are company operated while 49% are licensed stores. The company's primary objective is to establish itself as "a highly respected and recognized brand in the international market."
After a careful analysis of the various marketing strategies as highlighted by Michael Porter, Starbuck has adopted a differentiation marketing strategy. Initially, it had a focused strategy with an emphasis on providing differentiated products within its target market. Later it realized that it has to strengthen its market position by adopting a differentiation strategy, which stimulated its success based on the excellent marketing mix that it has created for its customers. The primary key of the differentiation strategy is the introduction of new and innovative products and services in the market and Starbucks has exceeded the expectations of its consumers by providing them with products that are different from the existing ones. The sources of this strategy include high quality, better service, a strong brand image, technological capabilities and innovative designs. The key to Starbucks successful utilization of this strategy is that whatever attribute or product it choses must be able to set it apart from its rivals and justify the premium price. Starbucks does not use this strategy to pursue uniqueness so as to be different from others, but it utilizes it as a strategy of understanding its customers and how it can meet their needs. The innovative element in its marketing strategy has given it a competitive advantage in the industry. To continue providing its customers with new products with a new experience, the company has emphasized on research and development activities.
Moreover, the excellent distribution networks the company has have earned it a reputation in the industry. Before entering a new market, Starbucks conducts an in-depth market research to enable it to penetrate the market easily so that it can reach its target consumers effectively. Its excellent customer service is another factor that has boosted its growth. This element contributes to the exceptional experience the customers get from consumer Starbucks' products. The experience that the customers get from Starbucks is what attracts them to the stores to have an amazing time with their peers as they enjoy a quiet and soothing environment at the outlets.
The marketing mix is the basic element in the development if a marketing strategy. This is manifested in the company's efforts, which are aimed at ensuring at creating value to its products and services. The prices of the company's products and services are relatively high, but they are worth it because of the exceptional services it offers to its customers such as the free internet connection. The stores are present in every neighborhood that the company operates in to ensure that customers get the products and services faster and in a convenient manner. The company uses various promotional channels such as posters, websites, and banners to promote its products and services.
Starbucks' marketing mix supports its position in the industry as the leading coffeehouse chain across the world. The company utilizes its 4Ps as a medium of strengthening its image as well as popularity in the market. Starbuck has the strongest brand in the industry, which demonstrates that having an effective marketing mix is the key element to brand development as well as the company's growth. However, Starbucks tends to be changing its marketing mix over time to emphasize on the need for it to maintain its competitive advantage by evolving some of its aspects.
The company has been and continues to innovate its product mix as a strategy for capturing more market. This element focuses on what the company provides to its customers. Currently, Starbucks' product portfolio comprises of the following categories."
* Coffee
* Smoothies
* Pastries
* Merchandise such as mugs
* Tea
* Frappuccino beverages
This marketing mix has been achieved after several years of business innovation. For example, Frappuccino was added to the portfolio after the company acquired The Coffee Connection in 1994. Starbucks has a continuous product innovation whose aim is to provide new products with new experience to its customers as well as attract others. Therefore, this element of the company's marketing mix consists of merchandise, beverages, and food.
Most of the company's products are offered through its cafes. This element focuses on the areas where the customers can get the products from. Currently, the company uses the following places to distribute products to its customers:
* Retailers- Starbucks has partnered with various retailers who distribute its products. They purchase them in bulky at a discount and then distribute them at the normal prices.
* Cafes- the organization has set up physical cafes/shops where it operates.
* Starbucks App- the organization has developed an iOS mobile application that customers download on their Apple devices and use it to order for a product. This is used by those customers who do not want to visit the outlets.
* Online Store- Starbucks online store enables customers to know the type of products and services the company offers and their prices without visiting the physical stores. They can also place an order through and get it delivered to them.
Initially, the company used the cafes to sell its products. With advancements in technology, Starbucks now distributes some of its products through its online Store. Also, its uses retailers as the distribution points for some of its merchandise. Moreover, it utilizes the Starbucks App, which allows customers to order for products and have them delivered to their doorsteps. This element of the company's marketing mix demonstrates how it has been able to adapt to emerging trends in the industry.
This element of the marketing mix comprises of the communication strategies the firm uses to communicate with its customers regarding important information and products. The primary promotional strategy of the company is advertising. However, the company's promotional mix consists of the following:
* Advertising- the company uses various channels such as televisions to promote their products.
* Public relations- Starbucks has partnered with a number of institutions as part of the Corporate Social Responsibility strategy.
* Sales promotions- it also offers free products or points on any product that has been purchased.
Starbucks uses various channels such as the Internet, television, and print media to advertise its products. Currently, some of the company's advertisements are featured in popular television shows across the world. Moreover, Starbucks uses public relation campaigns such as Race Together, and Arizona State free tuition to promote itself. However, the Race Together received criticisms from the public. Additionally, utilizes sales promotions activities, for example, the Starbucks Card which can be used by customers to get freebies. This element of the marketing mix in Starbucks demonstrates the importance of advertising as well as public relation and sales promotions supporting roles.
The company utilizes the premium pricing strategy that takes advantage of the behavioral tendency of people to buy expensive products based on their perceived correlation price and value. Majority of people relate high prices with high quality and value. Starbucks' products are relatively expensive as compared to those of its close competitors such as McDonald's. This pricing strategy has enabled the company to maintain its brand image as well as reputation.
As explained above, Starbucks is the market leader and is striving to capture a larger market share in the coffee industry. Surveys indicate that Starbucks controls more than a third of USA's market and it is the major source of its revenues. However, it has managed to ex...
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