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Interrelation Between the Political Situation and the Economy

Essay Instructions:

Essay Assignment #1: Applying the Theory
At this point in the course, you have encountered many theories, ideas, and authors. This short essay is your opportunity to apply one or more course concepts to a real-world situation, current or past. You are to choose the economic system of a country and one or more ideas that you have encountered in the readings. Your task is to put these two elements in conversation with one another. Questions you canconsider are as follows:
a. How does the course material help you better understand the economic situation?
b. How does what you are observing about your selected country help you better understand a given theory?
The material in the class- Sartre and No Child Left Behind: An Existential Psychoanalytic Anthropology of Urban Schooling
c. How might what you are observing cause you to revise/critique one of the concepts addressed in the course?
*Give considerable thought to what you select, as you will be given the option of building upon these ideas for your second short essay and the final essay. Of course, you are more than welcome to choose different topics for each.
Essay Structure:
You should have clearly defined the beginning, middle, and end. Although I will not place too many restrictions on the essay structure, at minimum, you should include the following:
1. An introduction that presents a clearly-defined argument and a snapshot of the remainder of the essay.
2. Supporting paragraphs with evidence and analysis. The second part is key. Do not simply include details, with no analysis.
3. Internal citations, MLA format 4. A minimum of five reputable sources (e.g. journal articles, books)
5. A conclusion The document should adhere to the following guidelines:
• 3 pages double-spaced
• Works Cited (also, not included in the 3 pages), MLA format
• Times New Roman font
• 1-inch margins on all sides
• Page-numbers (with the exception of the cover page) at the bottom-center of each page

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name of the student
Institution Affiliation
Course; course code
Comparative Political Economy
Comparative political economy is the situation whereby there is a cross-national comparison in how politics and economics are interdependent. It focuses on how politics influence the performance of the economy in general. For this case, there are three main types of political economies. They include a free-market economy, command economy, and also mixed economy. Countries such as the USA have adopted these models. As seen before and even now, that country's economy and other countries, in general, have been affected by the political situation. That is why there is a comparison between politics and the economy.
The comparative political economy is mainly devoted to the comparison between economic systems. Comparative economic studies such as private and public sector, labor systems, and the government are some of the financial systems. The free market is a system that is based on the demand and supply of goods and services with no government control. This type of market system is characterized by decentralized order of arrangements through which individuals make economic decisions. The free-market economy coincides with countries that value personal property and capitalism. The United States of America is a perfect example of this market. (Andreoni et al., 5) It implies that political systems that avoid regulations for individual behavior only interfere less with voluntary economic transactions. In this type of market, a financial market may facilitate the financing of the needs of those who are not capable of financing themselves.
Despite the freedom that comes along with this type of marker, there are still some constraints that are experienced. Some of these constraints include the prohibition of specific exchanges, regulations, and also taxation. The justifications imposed on the public are consumer safety and fairness between the various advantaged and the disadvantaged groups.
The other comparative political economy is the command economy system. In this type of economic strategy, the central government authority dictates some of the permissible production levels and the price charged for goods and services. Good examples of nations that have adopted the command economy are all the Soviet Union. The current system of this economy is regarded as the socialist market economy. It requires the central government to be in-control of all the production activities. In a command economy, government officials plan and set some of the key priorities required. Some of these priorities are how and when to generate economic growth and how resources will be allocated.
Two significant problems are associated with this type of economy. These problems include the incen...
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