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Influence of Capitalism on Covid-19 Vaccines Distribution

Essay Instructions:

The course topics are Institutional Economics & Neo-Classical Economic Policy, The Democratic-Socialist & Cooperative Alternatives, and Modern Political Economy

Essay Assignment #3: Applying the Theory

At this point in the course, you have encountered many theories, ideas and authors. This short essay is your opportunity to apply one or more course concepts to a real-world situation, current or past.

You are to choose the economic system of a country and one or more ideas that you have encountered in the readings from November 17th to December 8th. Your task is to put these two elements in conversation with one another. Questions you can consider are as follows:

a. How does the course material help you better understand the economic situation?

b. How does what you are observing about your selected country help you better understand a given theory?

c. How might what you are observing cause you to revise/critique one of the concepts addressed in the course?

*Give considerable thought to what you select, as you will be given the option of building upon these ideas for your second short essay and the final essay. Of course, you are more than welcome to choose different topics for each.

Essay Structure:

You should have clearly defined the beginning, middle, and end. Although I will not place too many restrictions on the essay structure, at minimum, you should include the following:

1. An introduction that presents a clearly-defined argument and a snapshot of the remainder of the essay.

2. Supporting paragraphs with evidence and analysis. The second part is key. Do not simply include details, with no analysis.

3. Internal citations, MLA format

4. A minimum of five reputable sources (e.g. journal articles, books)

5. A conclusion

The document should adhere to the following guidelines:

• 3 pages double-spaced

• Works Cited (also, not included in the 3 pages), MLA format

• Times New Roman font

• 1-inch margins on all sides

• Page numbers (with the exception of the cover page) at the bottom-center of each page.

Grading Criteria

• 30%--Your adherence to all the above instructions

• 40%--Clarity and analytical sophistication

• 30%--Writing mechanics: grammar, syntax, spelling, etc.

Make sure you follow the instruction when you are writing.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Influence of Capitalism on Covid-19 Vaccines Distribution
The Covid-19 pandemic is among the most pressing global crises at the moment. The development of vaccines is poised as the ultimate solution to the problem of social and economic life returning to normalcy. Since most countries worldwide have adopted capitalism as the ideal economic model (Delanty 19), the economic setup significantly influences the production and distribution of wealth. As it stands, only developed nations, primarily capitalistic, can develop and distribute vaccines. Therefore, operating within the tenets of a capitalistic global economy, the distribution of vaccines has raised a divided public opinion. The countries or organizations that have produced vaccines are inclined to hoard and enforce patents. Based on these factors, the current paper examines how capitalism is undoing rather than assisting in the fight against the pandemic.
The Role of Capitalism
Ideally, capitalism is an economic system in which the government has minimal interference with the market. There is private ownership of means of production, which spurs competition that leads to high-quality products and services. Apart from private ownership of property, free market, and competition, other core characteristics of capitalism include patents (Granstrand 56). Indeed, drastic growth under a capitalistic political economy has partially contributed to the ability of developed nations to develop and produce vaccines within a short time, as observed throughout the pandemic. Furthermore, capitalism encourages the generation of profits even if it is at the expense of other people. Therefore, any profit-oriented organization in a capitalistic political economy is fine-tuned to generate profits both on ideological and functional grounds.
Through capitalism, the world has seen the emergence of global organizations focusing on health and medicine. Such organizations are popularly known as Big Pharma, and some, like Johnson & Johnson, have been at the forefront in developing vaccines and other health and medicine products. While these organizations have contributed extensively to research in health and drugs issues, they are also guilty of blackmailing the public regarding life-saving products or medicine. Under capitalism, they are allowed to do so as long as they do not infringe on the rights of people. This argument forms the basis of the influence of capitalism on the production and distribution of vaccines.
The issue of patents is critical in the current global crisis. Patents are critical regulative features in any economy because they stop organizations from competing unfairly by mimicking or copying other organizations’ ideas, innovations, products, or services. Therefore, capitalism allows the protection of patents at its core even if the products or services are required to save a life. This has been the case during the pandemic where developed nations have hoarded vaccines (sometimes up to five doses per individual) while people in developing nations remain largely unvaccinated (Erfani et al. 4). Organizations involved in the production of vaccines have resorted to patents to protect their i...
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