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HRM Article Assignment 1: Key Points and Relevance to HRM

Essay Instructions:

This assignment is designed to demonstrate your developing HRM human capital related to course specific outcomes (CLO-1) as well as your ability to communicate clearly, concisely and correctly in written form. 
Part A    
Select a news article from a Canadian media source that discusses an incident or situation linked to the topics of employee or labour relations as defined in Topic 1 (Chapter 1) of the course text. Summarize the key points of the article and inform the reader as to its relevance to the HRM 2201 course. Include a citation or e-link in this section to enable to reader, if desired, to seek out more details of your article. (5 marks)
Part B 
Answer the following two questions using this article and key concepts from the HRM 2201 course as discussed in class.
1. Identify and explain one relevant HRM challenge within one of the three levels (environmental, corporate or employee) that in your opinion is seen in your chosen article. Your answer should also clearly point out the connection of your selected challenge to the content seen in the article or news item. Make sure you make specific reference to the text’s discussion of your chosen section.  (5 marks)
2. Using the “Framework for Labour Relations” as seen in Chapter 1 of the course text, identify and discuss one example from either the “ACTORS, PROCESSES & ACTIVITIES or OUTPUTS / RESULTS” sections of this framework that relates to the content of your chosen news article. In your answer, reference the “Feedback” loop, as seen in Chapter 1, you feel is relevant to your presented news article. Make sure you make specific reference to the text’s discussion of your chosen section. (5 marks)  
Notes:• This assignment may be done by 1 or 2 students (pair) enrolled in the course.• Weighting = 15% of the final mark in the course.• Due date: January 22, 2016 @ 9 PM. See DC Connect Drop box.• Include citations of sources related to HRM theories and applications.• Estimated page length = 2-3 pages, double spaced with 12 point font
Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this assignment. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
HRM Article
Key Points and Relevance to HRM
The reviewed article explores how employees at an illegal marijuana dispensary joined a labour union in order to access sufficient staff training and ensure they have a safe workplace environment. The article reveals that all employees, despite working for an employer who conducts illegal business, have a right to join a labour union that will protect their interests. The provisions of the employment laws require all employers to allow their employees to unionise and the legality of the business is not a consideration in granting employees their right (Leck). Unionisation of employees at this illegal dispensary was made possible by the fact that the employees of the dispensary met all the requirements for joining a union, as stipulated by the Ontario Labour Relation Act.
The article reveals that employees can unionise, regardless of where their employer stands on the side of the law since law enforcement and labour relations are two different departments of the government. It is therefore important for all employees to join a labour union that will protect them. It also reveals the sensitivity of unionisation since many employees do not believe that the unions will offer them protection or are just not willing to talk about it for fear of being victimised.
HRM Challenge
The involvement of union is an environmental factor that will affect the management of the clinic. When employees join a trade union, they are able to bargain for their rights collectively and the management cannot be able to coerce them or threaten them. The employer is forced to comply with some of the requirements ad conditions presented by the employees since they have a higher bargaining power. For example, the marijuana clinic employees presented in the a...
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