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Pop Music Research Assignment: Hospitality Business Industry

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Music has been in existence since the first man set foot on earth. Through music, the world has managed to fight and protest wars and oppressive laws, and also to enjoy and entertain. Music gave people a voice thus making it easier for people to express their feelings towards certain people, governments, and other institutions. Over the years, however, music has changed, and while its functions remain the same, certain aspects of it have indeed changed. For example, music production has changed as well as the portability of music which has indeed undergone tremendous change, especially in the last two decades. With the help of new technological innovations, anyone can be a musician and with the help of software components produce and post the final product online for review. Life has become increasingly easy over the years, and as more innovative minds get to work, it is impossible to predict where or what the future of music is.
Plato said that “Music is a moral law. It gives souls to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.” The statement above is indeed true, and the influence that pop or popular music has had in the world is a testament to that. Pop music has had tremendous reception all over the world and people, especially young people form the largest portion of its listenership. People have used it to express their feelings towards certain doctrines, to protest oppressive laws, while others listen and produce it for fun and entertainment. All over the world, music is described as a universal language that connects people from all walks of life, and on numerous occasions, pop music has lived up to the above description. It has connected people, young and old globally, it has started and sought support for some historical movements which have brought change to the world. Popular music is indeed a wave that brings people to tears on all sides albeit for different reasons. Lives have been changed, the course of history altered for both individual communities and the world.
Historical Background
Pop music is quite old, and while some people firmly associate its inception to the 60s, evidence suggests that it began a long time ago. Initially, popular music was predominantly done by white musicians who often used their platform to ridicule the lives of black people, their poverty as well as their dialect. This was mainly common in the 19th century when slavery and racism were still controversial issues, and the different factions (the ones for and against) went back and forth over whether the African American should be accorded equal rights as their white counterparts. Some of the famous musicians of this era include Stephen Collins Foster and Charles K. Harris who are respectively known for songs such as “Camptown Races” and “After the Ball.”
The 20th century was different, and the African Americans began to get involved and to influence the trajectory of pop music. The propagation of radio networks in the US mainly helped to ensure that people all over the country get to hear and identify with their artists. Jazz revolutionized the world of pop, and more and more artists decided to the try their hand at it. The Jazz Age in the 1920s saw an increase in African American artists who are credited with being the pioneers of Jazz Craze. Artists began to join hands and groups grew in number.
By the 1950s and 60s, artists such as Elvis Presley had become household names and the invention of the portable radio meant that pop music had figuratively acquired legs. Aside from individual artists, bands such as the Beach Boys from California became widely famous and often used to top both the American and the British music charts. During this time, pop music was changing, and different musicians had adopted it for various reasons. As expected, the young people particularly teenagers formed a significant portion of pop music fan base. Issues such as the Vietnam War as well as the Watergate scandal largely contributed to some of the songs that were released in the 60s and the 70s.
Different eras brought various changes to pop music. For example, in the 70s, artists such as Elton John, Jackson 5, and Queen embarked on musical journey that aimed at fusing pop and rock sounds. These artists were successful in their quest, but the 80s brought about a wave whose ripples are still being felt today. With the emergence of artists such as Michael Jackson, Prince, Madonna, and Whitney Houston, the 80s generation was treated to some of the biggest generation-transcending hits and albums (Myers). These artists changed the world, and while three of them died before their time was due, their music continues to impact millions, and their memory will forever be archived.
In the 90s, different groups from the US and Britain took over the airplay. Groups such as Spice Girls and Backstreet Boys gained a lot of fame and always seemed to attract huge crowds. However, one thing that caught the attention of music analysts is the fusion of pop and other genres especially hip hop. Rap music is quite popular in the US and the world, and its fusion with pop produced tremendous results. The 2000s brought about few changes with artists such as Taylor Swift, Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, and Lady Gaga proving that pop music still lives on and with it, its religious following.
Value to Me
I grew when pop boy bands were popular, and I was hooked from the moment I could speak and understand what I heard on the radio. I am a free-thinker and often like to say that I do not have a particular genre of music as a favorite. However, I find myself listening to pop music most of the time, and while this is a habit that I developed since my childhood days, I still listen to other genres and often seem to enjoy whenever artists of different genres combine their skills.
My childhood was difficult, and by the time I could make sense of what the world had to offer, I started noticing how our family was struggling. First of all, my parents were not doing well at the time and therefore, seemed to be tied in an endless argument that always ended with either of them storming out of the house. Even though I was young, I knew things were not good, and whenever the arguments started, I used to run outside to avoid the noise and occasional breaking of glasses. However, over time, I started listening to music, mostly pop, and slowly I began to notice the positive things around me. Nuñez (np) said that music “has the ability to break down complex issues into things we can all relate to like love, friendship, fear, or loss.” The statement above is indeed true, and while the issues at home affected even my friendships, pop music significantly helped me to overcome the troubling thoughts. Songs such as The Greatest Man I Never Knew by Reba McEntine and My Father’s Eyes by Eric Clapton are some of the hits that made me realize that family is essential and that regardless of the issues in our families, we should cherish the time we have with them.
Value to Community
Blumenthal (np) defined generative difference as “a diversity of perspectives and life ...
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