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First Key Takeaway: Notions of Culture

Essay Instructions:

KT-1A: Due in Discussions by 6:30pm ET, Thursday, Jun 3.

Your KT-1A must address one (just one) of the following questions.

* In an expository essay (450-550 words), clearly and concisely (a) identify and describe a theory about or perspective on culture that is similarly shared by Carey (1988) and Delanoy (2020) and (b) explain what you consider are this theory’s strengths and or weaknesses in helping us understand the nature of culture and why. OR

* In an expository essay (450-550 words), clearly and concisely (a) identify and describe what you consider two of the most important ideas or concepts that you learn from reading Leeds-Hurwitz’s (1990) intellectual history of intercultural communication and (b) why (i.e., the reasons behind your assessment of these two ideas or concepts as being important).

Tip: Use only the required readings for defining any key terms, concepts, or theories you analyze in all your MCC writing assignments. To be clear, do not google and use popular web based venues (e.g., Wikipedia, online dictionaries) for definitions; doing so only tell your instructors that you haven't read or don't even bother to do the required readings for the quality work.

KT-1B: Due in Discussions by 6:30pm ET, Monday, Jun 7.

After reading as many of your classmates’ KT-1As as you can, write and upload a 200 to 250-word comment (“your analytical response”) on at least one of your classmates’ main posts; as has been highlighted in the general instructions, you may choose to respond to more than one main post.

* * *

Please see in KT's general instructions for a set of grading criteria (“rubrics”). In general, for a “very good” or “excellent” evaluation, your comment must incorporate appropriate concepts from the required readings. Please do not base your response post entirely on your personal opinion (“I really like this or that KT…” without an explanation that is supported by related concepts from the required reading(s) and video.

Be sure to properly cite your sources in all your writing assignments. See Academic Integrity (and Style) Matters in the general instructions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Notions of culture.
Scholars over the years acknowledge that culture is difficult to explain and define. The main reason for the complexity is that culture is a multifaceted phenomenon that makes it harder to make an absolute case. However, culture-related research has exploded since the 1970s drawing inspiration from different disciplines to develop approaches and definitions of culture that make sense. This essay focuses on articles by Werner Delanoy and James W. Carey to analyze the similarities they share in their perspective of culture.
The term culture has been used to describe human life, from animal husbandry to self-realization of religion. Events such as industrialization and romanticism created different perspectives of culture in the respective societies. James W. Carey proposed the ritual view of communication that represents a symbolic reality that adapts to society's shared beliefs. This theory views communication as an essential element that triggers and implements societal transformations. Carley attributes the success of communication to sharing, association, participation, and fellowship. Such qualities are crucial to forging communion and commonness that will define the culture of a society.
The transmission view of culture is the most common in modern societies, particularly industrial cultures. This form of communication is defined by attributes such as sending, transmitting, or imparting. It is heavily dependent on metaphors on geography and transportation since the start of industrialization. The movement of goods and information are considered identical processes, with both falling under the description of communication. The main idea revolves around human obsession to increase the speed and impact of information transmissions. This can be seen from the unification of upper and lower areas in ancient Egypt to telegraphing. The dynasty oversaw the monopolization of writing and mass production of writing materials (Carey #). Consequently, the message is transported by messengers who managed to bridge the gaps of geographical location. In the 21st century, the basic orientation on communication remains grounded despite sending messages across the globe within seconds.
This sentiment is echoed by Werner Delanoy, who views culture as a signifying system that is linked to communication. According to Delanoy, communication can create, stabilize and contest culture. The theory expounds on the role of expansionists programs that increase the need for intercultural communication. In modern society, this need ha...
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