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Ethical Dilemmas in Get It Done and In Your Face

Essay Instructions:

Identify an ethical dilemma in each of 2 cases (Get It Done and In Your Face). Describe the important details of the dilemmas in the paper and then apply 3 normative approaches to the dilemmas.

resources are only these 2 links and 2 cases



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Ethics Case 1             Mark’s quest for promotion faces an ethical dilemma pitting his pursuit for advancement against the moral obligation to do what is correct regarding a deal with, Hydrangea, one of the bank’s very important clients. Taylor, the VP tasked with managing the Hydrangea deal, promises to close the deal within a week without considering the compliance process Mark knows will take at least ten days (Benjamin). An ethical dilemma ensues as Mark wonders whether to compromise his integrity and the ethical principles of business conduct by hiding the truth from Taylor and disregarding the compliance requirement or tell the truth and follow the standard operating procedures in closing the deal and thus preserving the good name of the bank as well as his integrity. According to the utilitarian approach to ethics, an ethical decision should be the course of action that yields the greatest benefits and the least harm (Velasquez). Hiding the truth from Taylor and disregarding the compliance requirement would only serve to breach the organization’s commitment to integrity, fairness, and responsibility and thus hurting its image in the industry (JPMorgan Chase & Co.). Telling the truth and observing the compliance requirement may disappoint the VP but maintain both the bank’s and Mark’s integrity for sustainable growth and development. The utilitarian ethical approach thus holds that the second course of action produces the greatest benefits with the least harm since the bank’s reputation remains intact, Mark preserves his good reputation and integrity and creates an opportunity for promotion in the future (Velasquez). The rights approach to ethical decision-making, on the other hand, states that people have a right to be told the truth about and be informed about matters that have significant impacts on their choices (Velasquez). Hiding the truth from Taylor about the compliance delays would significantly affect his relationship with the client and harm his reputation at the bank. Hence, the rights approach advocates for observing Taylor’s right to the truth and telling him about the delays. According to the common-good approach to ethical decision-making, members of a community should strive to pursue common values and goals that preserve the community’s overall wellbeing. It suffices, therefore, that telling the truth and upholding the ethical principles of business conduct serves the common good of the entire organization as it perpetuates its longev...
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