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Effective Communication Skills Analysis Essay

Essay Instructions:


During class, you will meet in groups and communicate your stories you submitted for Part 1 of the assignment. Each person in the group will tell their stories and then write a reflection paper detailing what you learned from each of your group members. You will also assess your strengths and areas for further development.

What to submit:

Your post-meeting reflection paper, which should span approximately two pages single-spaced, should address the following points:

For each individual in your group, report on two interesting pieces of information you learned.

Describe what you believe to be your strengths and areas for improvement regarding small group communications.

Which of your preparatory talking points were easiest and most difficult for you to communicate? Explain.

Submit your typed reflection paper into the Canvas dropbox.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Professor's Name:
Due Date:
Effective Communication Skills
Report on two interesting pieces of information you learned.
First, I learned the beauty of diversity in our stories and in the way we think. I have read many articles that speak on the advantages of diversity and how it can be a great asset. However, often, it is not until we get to see something in action that we get to acknowledge its use and effectiveness. While listening to the different stories that the group members told, I understood that our lives could not be any more diverse. We may have had similar childhoods, but very few instances showcase these similarities. In the workplace, it is often said that diversity is the reason behind innovations and development. By embracing and tapping on the advantages of diversity, organizations can maximize their potential. While listening to the stories, I realized that our stories, lives, and experiences are indeed quite diverse. This diversity is beautiful because it showcases how our uniqueness while also showcasing the strength in not following or having the same school of thought.
Aside from the above, I also learned that it is difficult to assess one's strengths and weaknesses objectively. When asked to assess another person's strengths and weaknesses, it is quite easy because I am removed from them. The above means that I can separate issues and be objective. However, it becomes incredibly difficult when asked to assess myself because I cannot easily detach and give an objective assessment. This exercise was difficult for me because I had to find ways to assess myself objectively and determine what sets me apart. While at first it seemed like an easy thing to do, it proved to be quite a tasking exercise because of the detachment bit.
Describe what you believe to be your strengths and areas for improvement regarding small group communications.
One of my stre...
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