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Customer Service

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The evolution of customer service at Sony Corporation
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Customer service is an essential element for any thriving organisation. Both large and small organisations have a necessity of establishing an enhanced customer service. Although Clients may pardon a product malfunction, they may not easily forgive a service hiccup. Hence how companies treat heir customers determines their destiny whether on the upward or downward trend. Furthermore, for companies to endeavour in retaining their clients, the greatest tool is nothing, but developing and enhanced customer service mechanism. This paper will evaluate the customer service mechanisms at Sony Corporation.
Sony Corporation is a Tokyo based company engaged in the manufacture and sale of electronics. The electronic business line includes computer, music and picture entertainment. The company is considered among the leading electronic manufacture in the world with regard to production of audio, communications, and IT goods. Her high-tech products such as videos, television, and computer and picture entertainment makes her one of the advanced high-tech corporations not only in Japan, but also around the globe. The corporation’s gross sales as per the physical year that ended March 31st, 2012 amounted to $79 billion. Globally, the company has an employment pool of 162,700 persons (Akio, 1996, p76)
Among the company’s high tech brands include; Bravia television, Cyber Shot, Alpha DSLR, NEX cameras, Handycam camcorder, Walkman music player, Sony Tablet and Reader digital book. In the IT sector, the company is recognised for products such as VAIO PC, XDCAM HD Systems, CineAlta, Betacam and VTR. Additionally, it is also considered as being the inventor of CD, DVD, super Audio CDs and the Blue ray discs. The continual development of its play station consoles is also a mark on its high-tech up gradation (Sony Corporation, 2012).
Owing to her production of quality, reliable, innovative and stylish designs of her goods, The Company has attracted a favourable reputation over the recent years in many parts of the world. In USA, it was ranked among the top organisations by Harris Poll, a private research firm. The production of easy to use good as in turn made live quite easy for her clientele (Akio, 1996, p110)
The evolution of customer service at Sony Corporation
In an attempt to keep in touch with the clients, the corporation has structured itself for a worldwide impact whenever possible. There are three Sony divisions in America, Asia and Europe. In Asia, the head quarter is placed at Tokyo, Japan. In USA, the head quarter is at the Foster City while in Europe, the head office is at London, UK. The corporation has specialised itself into different subsidiaries in its entertainment goods so as to satisfy their customers’ needs. These subsidiaries are the motion picture industry, music sector, financial services and computer entertainment. This adaptation ensures that the company has a huge market base, which will give her competitive advantage against her competitors (Cunard, 1996, 245–247).
The computer entertainment department at Sony is engaged with the development of games for the computers. It handles most of the operations that are related with the development of these games including publishing, marketing and distribution of the products. Sony Computer entertainment also ensures that clients are reached with the play station console line. This development and services have given the company an edge in competing with other similar entities (Samuelson, 2006, p74).
As a guru in high-tech entertainment, Sony cultures its workforce in working towards meeting her vision and mission in the provision of high-tech, quality goods and provides both the competitors and customers. Employees follow the company’s set culture of integrity, respect, growth, achievement, teamwork and friendship. These employee aspects including their experience and talents have in turn created comprehensive and integrated entertainment for all calibre of her clients (Cunard, 1996, 245–247).
In addition to its innovations and product improvements, Sony has taken initiates in customer service to ensure that their customers get satisfied with the products. It pledged to respect the client’s opinion with regard to the manufacture of the products and their services in order to meet their demands. In meeting this goal, the company has assigned customer service personnel in all regions of its stations in order to deal with their customer queries and other services. These personnel collaborate with the executives in the respective areas in ensuring quality at the respective quality departments. The aim in establishing specialized services is to ensure that the demands of the customers are adequately met, and therefore placing themselves at the service of the customers (Sony Corporation, 2012)
Employees are specially trained to cater for the client’s needs. This training entails the companies operations and code of conducts for these employees. The company introduced the first customer service centre in 1963 at its headquarter in Tokyo, Japan. From there, it continued to introduce others customer information centres in the other entire world regions. This is aimed at providing quick responses towards the customer needs and queries. This assists the company in meeting its pledge of ensuring the best services are offered to its customers.
Sony also utilizes the technology such as the internet in interacting with the clients. In an attempt to ensure up-to-date information are conveyed to clients with regard to the ...
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