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Culture and Consumption – Heineken’s Campaigns

Essay Instructions:

Hi Thank you for the previous order on the “Introduction and Outline” for the Culture and Consumption – Heineken’s Campaigns.

Now the next assignment is to complete the actual essay which has to be 5 pages. Thankfully, we have an Introduction page completed and Outline to base the essay on so now the task is to complete the other 4 essay pages needed.

Below is the prompt for the essay and as for the advertising campaign you have already selected in the previous order which was the “Heineken’s Campaigns”.

Prompt for Essay:--Culture and Consumption

Step #1: Choose an advertising campaign (not a singular advertisement) for a particular product or service that has print and video ads and do a deep semiotic reading discussing how you think culture is being reflected (and perhaps affected) by the campaign.

Step #2: What cultural myths/beliefs (like conspicuous consumption, the American Dream, individualism and dissent, etc.) is the ad campaign perpetuating or deconstructing? What stereotypes (about race, class, gender, sexual orientation) is the campaign perpetuating or deconstructing?

The following are just some questions to help you think about the types of abductive arguments you will make in your essay; you are not meant to follow them like an outline. Some may be more relevant than others to your particular arguments:

1) How is the advertiser using culture to sell the product? (Think about James Robert's "The Treadmill of Consumption" about the culture of conspicuous consumption or Thomas Frank’s “Commodify Your Dissent” using the culture of dissent/counterculture).

2) How is the product marketing to specific demographics?

3) Are there different types of ads for the same product targeting different demographics?

4) Analyze the ads using the questions on page 30 of “Signs of Life in the USA” 9th edition book. Are the ads appealing more to logic, emotion, or credibility?

5) Is the campaign exploiting stereotypes or deconstructing them? (Think of Steve Craig’s “Men’s Men and Women’s Women”).

Step #3: Essay should be 5 double spaced pages in MLA format with a Work’s Cited as a separate page. You must use at least one quote from three different readings from "The Treadmill of Consumption" by James A. Roberts, as welll as Thomas Frank’s “Commodify Your Dissent”, and Steve Craig’s “Men’s Men and Women’s Women”. These are the three sources that you must use quotes from to include in the essay.

Essay Guidelines:

• Should have a title that states topic and hints at a thesis.

• Introduction should begin with 3-5 sentences introducing the topic of how culture influences and is influenced by consumer society and marketing techniques as well as introduce the specific campaign you are going to analyze.

• A thesis statement should end the introduction making an analytical argument about that particular campaign (What do you think the campaign says about our culture? Or how do you think our culture is impacted by the campaign?)

• Body paragraphs should begin with clearly articulated topic sentences that develop individual points helping to support your overall thesis.

• Evidence should describe the ads and be connected to quotes, paraphrase, and/or summary from essays in the unit when appropriate.

• Conclusion should bring these individual points back to the overall thesis and make it clear why it is important to understand not only the argument you made for this particular campaign, but how that helps inform a more conscientious observer of all public discourse.

• I included the Microsoft word file from the previous order with the Introduction and Outline so you could write the essay based on that.

• Technically with the previous order you already completed the introduction page so now I need the other 4 pages of the essay like body paragraphs and conclusion to be completed. As for the Work's Cited list page technically you already completed it in the previous order.

• I included screenshot file images of the readings that we did prior and that we have to include at least one quote from each of three different readings of "The Treadmill of Consumption" by James A. Roberts, as well as Thomas Frank’s “Commodify Your Dissent”, and Steve Craig’s “Men’s Men and Women’s Women”.

• I included a screenshot image file for page 30 question 4 of the Signs of Life in the USA 9th edition book.

• The assignment must be done in Times New Roman Font Size 12 with 1 inch margins all around.

• The ISBN for the book of “Signs of Life in the USA: Readings on Popular Culture for Writers”. Ninth Edition is ISBN 1-3190-5663-6

Thank you so much for your time.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Culture and Consumption – Heineken’s Campaigns
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September 20, 2018
Despite being an overly used word, it is undeniable that the concept of ‘Culture’ permeates into each and every aspect of our daily lives. From the simplest thought to the most complex ideas and emotions, traces of one’s culture could always be seen as underlying them. However, it must be noted that this process does not only go forward in a single manner. Rather, culture could also be created by the different innovations that we bring into being, creating an ever dynamic cycle of inspiration. One of the aspects where this process presents itself is today’s advertisement industry. On the one hand, most of the campaigns today are catered for different segments of the society, each with a different cultural aspect. On the other hand, several “viral” campaigns that have achieved success have also affected our perception of reality, by becoming of the repertoire of ideas and beliefs that we use to make sense of our reality. Specifically, one of the best campaigns that have circulated in the mass media for the past few decades is that from Heineken USA, entitled Dos Equis: Most Interesting Man in the World (Adage.com). Being marketed mainly for middle-aged men in the United States, the ad campaign has released a series of advertisements that show what it takes to be the ‘the gentleman that every man should aspire to be.’ Similarly, Heineken has always maintained its character of class and sophistication in its previous campaigns, together with a mixture of emotion and credibility, making campaigns that are indeed worth remembering. Nevertheless, a deeper reflection of the ad campaign and its recent success show how an appeal to the ‘machismo culture’ has again become an effective advertising strategy for several products such as the ones provided above.
The Heinekens campaign is a representation of masculinity as a Status symbol and its role in the advertising industry. The current society is very keen about the issue of masculinity and the manner in which individuals perceive it. This explains the reason as to why the Heineken advertisement has focused on the machismo culture to ensure that it captures the attention of its target audience. The over-the-top nature of the Heineken’s advertisements are parodying the aspect of advertising by passing its message through a part of the society which is not the target population. They are an example of a word-of-mouth advertising due to their exaggeration of masculinity which captures the people’s attention. The purpose of an advertisement is to reach a large percentage of the target population as much as possible. According to the Machismo culture, the society has a strong preference for masculinity and, therefore, the Heineken advert meets this culture by showing how it is conducive for use by the strong middle-age men. This, is an indication of the power that the advertisement gives the product. “As long as consumers continue to signal their social power through conspicuous consumption, the levels required to make a visible statement of power will continue to rise” (Roberts 118) As a result, this causes dominance in the market because the people are able to make a decision of having Heineken as their brand. Parallelism creates an illusion of repetition in the mind, and, thus, ensuring that the intended people have understood the message that is being passed across by the advertisement. Also, advertisements create parallelism through the repetition of certain words, color and images to insist on the product. In turn, this helps in the creation of dominance in the market. This is because the target population will be able to perceive the parallelism in the advertisement and make it part of their live. Anytime they come across that particular advert, then they will not need to pay much attention to it because they will already be knowing what it is. Therefore, this means that a dominance of that particular brand will have been created. In addition, such dominance is a reflection of masculinity such as the power of the advert created by ...
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