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Brand Identifiers Business & Marketing Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

5 paragraphs include Instruduction, 3 body paragraphs, conclusion. Each body paragraph must have the structure with topic sentence, #1 quote, analysis, #2 quote, analysis, and short conclusion.

Use simple word as possible.

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Brand Identifiers and its Importance in Marketing Products Students Name
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Brand Identifiers
The best way used by companies to create awareness of their products is through advertising. The advertisements enable them to focus on a specific population, and the outcome is the identification of a specific culture with a particular brand. Gross argues out that a brand can be used to identify various cultures across the world. In addition, Joseph Turrow puts across the fact that marketers target a certain segment of the population when advertising their products. Therefore, a certain culture or specific group of individuals can be identified with a particular product and the identification is inevitable. The affected parties have to come up with deals of dealing with it.
A brand can become an identifying factor of a specific group of individuals or culture in the society as a result of companies focusing on a particular segment when advertising their products. “But there are many spots on the globe where it's tough to find a Starbucks” (125). Gross gives the example of the manner in which Starbucks has identified a certain group of people in the society and made investments in such areas. Among them are the areas of new real estate homes. The coffee from Starbucks is expensive and, therefore, this means that the company can only target to invest among the rich to able to make substantial amounts of profits. "National surveys I have conducted over the past one decade consistently suggest that although people know companies are using their data and do not worry about it, their understanding of exactly how the data are being used is severely lacking" (Turrow 113). In addition, the companies have invested a lot in researching to determine the best population that they can identify their brand with. It is clear that a company cannot invest in an area without knowing the kind of people living there and the fact as to whether they will be able to make profits. Therefore, regardless of the negative aspects of a certain product, it will always identify itself with a particular culture.
As well, the fact that a brand can be identified with a particular group of individuals or a certain culture is inevitable due to the power of advertising. " They do not know the system is working to attach marketing labels to our base on the clicks we make, the conversations we have, and the friendships we enjoy on websites, mobile devices, iPads, supermarket carts, and even television sets"( Turrow 113). Theref...
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