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Advanced Supply Chain Management-The Great Fridge Freeze Out

Essay Instructions:

Listen to the podcast and answer four case study questions.
Podcast: https://www(dot)npr(dot)org/2020/10/07/921333859/the-great-fridge-freeze-out
Question two:
The MacCarthy et al. 2016 paper states: "Supply chains are not static – they evolve and change in size, shape and configuration, and in how they are coordinated, controlled and managed. New supply chains may emerge for many reasons." and "Not only are economic and technology drivers affecting supply chains but regulatory frameworks, sustainability agendas, political factors, and strategic choices are affecting the structure and configuration of supply chains."
The podcast episode refers to specific consumer behaviour of hoarding. Discuss how this supply chain could have countered the resultant shortages experienced in the refrigerator and freezer supply chain. Please limit your answer to 500 words or less.
Question 3:
Stevens (1989) states: “For many companies the need to react to market changes is paramount; the role of the supply chain is crucial”. In examining the 'The Great Fridge Freeze-Out' supply chain, it is important to consider that much of the supply chain itself is able to operate due to the absence of any major disruptive event. Consider how the home appliance supply chain was affected by the pandemic with a particular focus on the idea of supply chain integration. Please limit your answer to 500 words or less.
Question 4:
Melnyk et al. 2014 states: "We now recognize that ‘ one size’ does not fit all when it comes to supply chain design. What works well in one setting may not work well in another. For example, supply-driven supply chains, such as those encountered in the energy/petroleum industries, require different practices if they are to be deployed most effectively and that practices that work well in demand-driven supply chains (e.g., Wal-Mart and Toyota) will not necessarily be appropriate when deployed in supply-driven environments."
The "The Great Fridge Freeze-out" podcast highlights a supply chain that operated well pre-pandemic, but suffered from shortages during the pandemic. Provide an argument as to whether the refrigerator and freezer supply chain is 'supply-driven' or 'demand-driven', prior to and after the effect of the pandemic was experienced. Please limit your answer to 500 words or less.

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Advanced Supply Chain Management-The Great Fridge Freeze Out
Question two:The MacCarthy et al. 2016 paper states: "Supply chains are not static – they evolve and change in size, shape and configuration, and in how they are coordinated, controlled and managed. New supply chains may emerge for many reasons." and "Not only are economic and technology drivers affecting supply chains but regulatory frameworks, sustainability agendas, political factors, and strategic choices are affecting the structure and configuration of supply chains." The podcast episode refers to specific consumer behaviour of hoarding. Discuss how this supply chain could have countered the resultant shortages experienced in the refrigerator and freezer supply chain. Please limit your answer to 500 words or less.
The shortage of refrigerators and freezers is closely linked with hoarding during the pandemic emergency lockdown, and the supply chain crisis then spurred further hoarding across the US. The refrigerator and freezer supply chain was severely disrupted as there was increased demand, but the supply chain could not cope, which resulted in shortages. There was a need to manage demand better by considering supply chain interdependencies where none of the supply chains is affected, so too are others, which causes unintended consequences. Categorizing demand for products and the risk of customers postponing their buying decisions would try to deal with the capacity situation by prioritizing the current and future demand.
There are bottlenecks, and capabilities in the supply chain, and complementing this by adding more resources as demand for refrigerators and freezers increased, would have reduced the supply chain disruption. The disruptions further widened as the supply capacity got strained, but better coordination of supply chain activities would have reduced the rate of shortages. Coordination would also necessitate sharing information across the supply chain so retailers would have adjusted their stock of freezers and refrigerators faster. Makers and sellers were already scaling down operations because of the pandemic. The demand shock meant the supply chain could not deal with the surge in demand for appliances, freezers, and refrigerators. The lack of shipping and manufacturing, processing, transportation, and shipment capacity to meet the sudden demand further worsened the supply chain problems causing shortages and delays.
There was a failure in prioritizing short-term demand forecasting, yet as demand surged, more people were hoarding. Thus, the supply chain was over-utilized in some areas. If there had been more accurate forecasting, retailers would have stocked up more refrigerators and freezers above their normal inventory levels. Better demand forecasting would have supported planning, including coordinating activities to facilitate the faster flow of refrigerators and freezers. More resources would also have reduced supply chain disruptions and delays. Based on demand forecasting retailers, would have entered into short-term contrasts suppliers, transport, and main distributors who can supply at higher capacities. Short-term forecasts would have made it easier to manage bottlenecks and supply chain issues, with more supply chain resources used to address the problems. Data and information on forecasting help in optimizing the stock levels. There is the identification of potential shortages in advance, which helps to deal with supply-chain issues.
Question 3:Stevens (1989) states: "For many companies the need to react to market changes is paramount; the role of the supply chain is crucial". In examining the 'The Great Fridge Freeze-Out' supply chain, it is important to consider that much of the supply chain itself is able to operate due to the absence of any major disruptive event. Consider how the home appliance supply chain was affected by the pandemic with a particular focus on the idea of supply chain integration. Please limit your answer to 500 words or less.
The global supply chain is interconnected and integrated more than ever before, and China is a major supplier and manufacturing hub. Supply chain integration requires coordination among the supply chain agents to ensure the supply chain is efficient, but the supply chain disruptions and delays affect this. The pandemic disrupted the supply chain as the manufacturing process slowed down, and manufacturers faced challenges getting different parts from different part...
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