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Physics Assignment: Review Chapter 5 Temperature And Heat

Essay Instructions:

On your second research paper, you will review Chapter 5 Temperature and Heat. This paper should include explanations of the important concepts observed, examples of how the physics or mathematical equations are explained, outside references which aim to strengthen your views on the topics read, applications that are come from Chapter 5, and ways it's useful to society. We will go over specific details in the days to come. Here are a few good videos to watch on Chapter 5, in addition to the lecture slides which will be posted: 

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Heat is defined in many ways: it can be associated with temperature read as degrees on a thermometer, heat on a burner that fries an egg, and the enormous energy coming from the sun which gives energy throughout the world. All matter on Earth contains energy; energy in the gas’s atmosphere, the water that forms the oceans, and so much more, all of which are made up of matter. Matter contains energy and is made up of atoms and molecules. For example, salt is made up of sodium and chloride atom which gives it the name sodium chloride. Energy is also classified into Thermal Energy which is internal energy inside matter.
Adding to the previous discussion, heat is also defined as the flow of thermal energy from one place to another. Heat always flows from something warmer to something colder, when heat is added to a substance, its molecule moves faster and when heat is taken away, the molecules slows down. Heat can also be converted into other forms of energy and vice versa such as electrical energy coming from an electric burner converts to heat energy when it turns red hot. Adding heat causes most substance to change in other ways, such as when the metal ball would fit a ring and then when it is subjected to heat, it no longer fits due to the molecules getting expanded; however, once the metal ball is subjected to cold water, the molecules compress and it would fit the ring again.
Water is an important exemption when it is heated or cooled. When water freezes and becomes solid ice, it expands instead of contracts because of the special way water molecules and ice bond to each other.
The temperature of water can be marked with the use of a thermometer. Some thermometers use the Celsius scale which is based on the fact that water boils and freezes at the same temperatures in the pressure of the atmosphere is the same. At sea pressure, 100 degrees Celsius marks the boiling point and 0 degrees marks the freezing point. Other thermometers use the Fahrenheit scale with 32 degrees marks the freezing point and 212 marks the boiling point. Celsius and Fahrenheit may not have the same scale but they both measure temperature and not heat.
Temperature and heat are different in important ways. Temperature is a measure of how fast the molecules and the substance are on average moving such as when you put a thermometer on a tub with warm water then on a cup to check the temperature, the temperature would be the same since the water molecules in the cup is moving in average as much as in the tub but the tub has much more thermal energy because it has many times the number of water molecules and because it has so much more thermal energy, more heat can flow in the water in the tub than the water in the cup; moreover, the water in the tub for instance can quickly melt the ice.
To further show the difference between heat and temperature, candle and a thermal radiator was compared. The flame of the candle has a much higher temperature but the radiator has much more thermal energy due to having more molecules than the flame and it gives enough heat than the flame, enough to warm the whole room. Whilst temperature is measured in degrees, heat is measured in units called Calories. Calorie is the amount of heat it takes, to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water, 1 degree Celsius. The value of any kind of fuel can be measured by the amount of heat it burns such as gasoline can give 11 500 Calories.
As previously discussed, heat transfers from something warmer to something colder, such as when a thumbtacks were stuck on a metal rod with wax and then the metal rod was heated. The heat was transferred from one end to the other due to the molecules making the metal rod vibrate faster while heating, therefore disrupting the wax molecules by transferring heat to them and thus having it removed from the thumbtacks, making it fall off the metal rod. Another example is when a player’...
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