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Species of Australopithecines and Early Hominin Tools

Essay Instructions:

Read these articles:

https://www(dot)smithsonianmag(dot)com/science-nature/becoming-human-the-origin-of-stone-tools-55335180/ (Links to an external site.)
https://www(dot)nytimes(dot)com/2016/03/09/science/evolution-meat-stone-tools-cooking-brains-hominins.html?action=click&module=RelatedCoverage&pgtype=Article®ion=Footer (Links to an external site.)

Here is a video about stone tool making by a modern lithics specialist


Go to this web site:
https://humanorigins(dot)si(dot)edu/evidence/human-fossils (Links to an external site.) read the sections about Human Fossils: Species and Fossils. Follow all of the links in these sections. When you get to the Species section, make sure to sort the different species by age (alphabetically is the default sort). Read about these species--we are not using a text this semester but this web site from the Smithsonian Museum has the information that would be in a text.

Next read these parts of the Smithsonian site https://humanorigins(dot)si(dot)edu/evidence/dating (Links to an external site.)

and https://humanorigins(dot)si(dot)edu/evidence/human-evolution-timeline-interactive (Links to an external site.) use the magnifier feature and read the information in the colored dots

and do the interactive Snapshots in Time https://humanorigins(dot)si(dot)edu/evidence/snapshots-time (Links to an external site.)

Written Questions (based on the information above):
1. Pick two species of australopithecines and give their name, physical characteristics, and where and when they lived
2. What kinds of tools might have been used by early hominins in addition to stone tools? How might they have been used? Illustrate this if you wish (but not required)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Course Code
Week 5: Asynchronous Readings and Assignment
Question 1
Australopithecines are a group of extinct primates that lived between 4-2 million years ago. Australopithecines were terrestrial bipedal ape-like animals with chewing teeth and enamel covers. Nonetheless, their brains were a little more widespread than that of apes. Some of the common species of Australopithecines were Australopithecus afarensis and Australopithecus africanus.
Physical characteristics of Australopithecus afarensis
* Fossil information reveals that this species could walk with two legs but retained ape-like features such as tree climbing and a tiny brain.
* In terms of body size, females grew up to 110 centimeters, while males were taller at about 150 centimeters.
* Their brain was small.
* They had powerful arms with long forearms.
* Their front incisor's teeth were quite wide.
* Their jaws w...
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