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The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2004 Biological & Biomedical Essay

Essay Instructions:

SCI 362 - Nobel Prize in Biological Sciences (Instructor: Prof. Qin Leng)

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Term Paper Guidelines

A final term paper, a review paper of your scientist (the Nobel Prize laureate of the panel

that you co-organize), will serve as the final exam of this course. The paper will constitute

30%, i.e., 30 points (pts), of your final grade (refer to the end of the guidelines for detailed

point division/distribution).

You should first collect data from any trustable sources you can find, for example,

officially published books, peer-reviewed journal articles, and trustable internet resources,

and in particular, the "main references" of our course (refer to the syllabus.)

Once you have collected enough data, you should complete your own analysis and

interpretation of the data, and follow this writing guideline to independently finish your

paper (that is, each student will write his/her own paper).

The term paper can be submitted through BlackBoard as an assignment (checked by

SafeAssign) at any time before the deadline - the end of official Final Exam time for our

course (Refer to the syllabus). No submission after the deadline will be accepted at any


General Rules:

[Note: The current “Term Paper Guidelines” as well as the “Term Paper Writing Template”

and the "Term Paper Writing Template-References" are all composed following these General

Rules. Please download the “Term Paper Writing Template” and the "Term Paper Writing

Template-References" and write your paper directly on these templates without changing any


You will submit your term paper in two files:

1. The term paper text (Should be named as "[Your scientist’s name] by [you name]-text",

such as "Marie Curie by Qin Leng-text"). Figures and tables (if necessary) as well as their

captions/legends should be included in this file. SafeAssign will be used to check the similarity of

this file of your term paper with the Institutional and Global References Database.

2. The term paper references (the “reference list”) (Should be named as "[Your scientist’s

name] by [you name]-refs", such as "Marie Curie by Qin Leng-refs"). To separate your reference

list from the text is to avoid increasing the SafeAssign "similarity" of your term paper.

American English should be used to write the term paper while non-English words or phrases

(e.g., vise versa) can be embedded in necessary places. The writing should be free of grammatical

or spelling errors.

Metric units (SI-International System of Units) must be used throughout the paper. Convert

English units to metric or use both.

Font must be in 12-point, Times New Roman.

Single spaced all through the paper, including title, all chapters, and figure and table captions

(if necessary).

Necessary figure(s) and table(s) can be included and all of them must be referred to in the text,

in the order of appearance. For example:

SCI 362 - Nobel Prize in Biological Sciences (Instructor: Prof. Qin Leng)

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“Groves of native dawn redwood trees were shown in Figure 1.”

“Table 1 shows the data of samplings of native dawn redwood trees.”

Under each figure and table there should be a caption/legend. Figure and table numbers are

formatted in CAPITAL letters, BOLD, followed by an em dash (–). Unless the figure was created

by yourself, the source of the figure/table should be cited clearly at the end of the caption/legend.


FIGURE 1 – Reconstructed Arctic ecosystem during the early Paleogene

global warming period (From Leng and Yang, 2009, cover figure)

FIGURE 2 – Position of Metasequoia (indicated by an arrow) in the phylogenetic tree of

the family Cupressaceae [From “http://www(dot)conifers(dot)org/cu/Cupressaceae.php” (retrieved 01

September 2016), with the arrow added by the current author]

Reference and Citation Formatting:

Every reference from which you obtained data/information both for the text and for

figure(s)/table(s) should be cited in both the text and the reference list.

We use the “name-year” citation style of "Council of Science Editors. Style Manual

Committee. 2014. Scientific Style and Format: The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and

SCI 362 - Nobel Prize in Biological Sciences (Instructor: Prof. Qin Leng)

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Publishers. 8th edition. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press. 722p." The style

can be found from:



column and click "NAME-YEAR" under "Scientific Style and Format Citation Quick Guide."

As SafeAssign will be used to check the similarity of your term paper with the Institutional

and Global References Database, to avoid increasing the "similarity" of the report of SafeAssign

on your term paper, the reference list (the “References”) of your paper should be submitted in a

separate word file. Please use the "Term Paper Writing Template-References" which can be

downloaded from BlackBoard to fill in your reference list.

Paper Organization:

Please organize your paper according to the following sequence:

Title—The full name of your Nobel Prize laureate followed by his/her birth date and an em

dash in parenthesis if he/she is still alive [such as Example 1] or by his/her birth date, an em dash,

and death date if he/she passed away [such as Example 2]. Add his/her Nobel Prize and the year

in the following line. Both lines should be centered and bold.

Example 1:

Shinya Yamanaka (4 September 1962 –)

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2012

Example 2:

Marie Curie (7 November 1867 – 4 July 1934)

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1903 and the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1911

Short Biography

This session constitutes 5 pts. It should include at least: Date and place of birth of the scientist,

date and place of death of the scientist (if passed away), family of the scientist (particularly

family members who influenced the scientist remarkably), education background (under graduate

to graduate should be at least included) of the scientist, major career experience of the scientist,

and a list of outstanding awards/honors the scientist received.

Major Scientific Achievements and Impacts

This session constitutes 15 pts. You should summarize the major scientific achievements of

the scientist and discuss the major impacts of his/her work, particularly the impacts on biological

sciences. Don't provide a list of awards/honors the scientist received (which should be included in

the "Short Biography" session.)

One or more separate paragraph(s) focusing on the Nobel Prize winning research of the

scientist and its scientific (biological) background should be written specifically.

My Reflection

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This session constitutes 3 pts, containing your personal reflection after doing research and

co-organizing a panel on your scientist. Any other comments or remarks can be also included in

this session.

(All these three headings — “Short Biography,” “Major Scientific Achievements and

Impacts,” and “My Reflection” — should be centered, with sentence caps, and in bold, as shown



A complete list of all references you cite in the text should be compiled, following the format

described in “Reference and Citation Formatting.” (Note: This session should be written and

submitted in a separate word file.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Name: ______________________________ ID#: ______________________________
(Linda B. Buck (29 January 1947 - )
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2004)
Short Biography
Linda B. Buck was born in 1947 in Seattle, Washington to a mother who was a homemaker and an enthusiast of word puzzles (Nobel Prize…c2019). Her father was an electric engineer who spent much of his time at home inventing stuff and building them in the family basement. Both her mother’s enthusiasm in puzzles and the father’s interest in inventions might have planted Buck’s seed for her future affinity for scientific discoveries, although she never imagined at any one time as a child that she would someday become a scientist. Nevertheless, her supportive parents often reminded her that she had an inherent ability to do anything she wanted in her life. The parents taught her to think autonomously and be critical in her own ideas and urged her to pursue something that could have a meaning in her life (Nobel Prize…c2019). Her mother reminded her that she should never settle for something mediocre and such sentiments became internalized to influence Buck’s work as a scientist.
Buck received Bachelor of Science in psychology and microbiology in 1975 from the University of Washington and her Ph.D. in immunology in 1980 at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas under Professor Ellen Vitetta’s direction (Nobel Prize…c2019). She always had the zeal to pursue a career in which she could be of help to others. These thoughts made her to initially major in psychology with a dream of becoming a psychotherapist. As time passed, her interests had expanded and she welcomed multiple career possibilities. Unfortunately, none of the careers was ideal for her and she was disinclined to embark on a career that would later prove to be inappropriate (Nobel Prize…c2019). Over the following several years, while traveling and living on a nearby island, she enrolled in more classes in Seattle and finally founder her path when she took a course in immunology. She found immunology subject fascinating and a strong feeling hit her that she would one day be a biologist.
Buck began her postdoctoral research in 1980 at Columbia University under the supervision of Dr. Benvenuto Permis between 1980 and 1982 (Nobel Prize…c2019). She would later join Dr. Richard Axel’s laboratory also located in Columbia in the Institute of Cancer Research. It is after she came across a research paper written by Sol Snyder’s group at Johns Hopkins University that Buck laid out the map of understanding the olfactory mechanism at molecular level to trace the journey of odors from the receptor cells of the nose through the brain. While working with rat genes together with Axel, she identified a family of genes encoding for over 1000 odor receptors and made a publication of their findings in 1991 (Nobel Prize…c2019). Before the end of that year, Buck was made an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School in the department of Neurobiology where she later established her own laboratory.
Following her understanding on how the nose detects odors, Buck published her results in 1993 on how various inputs found in different odor receptors and structured in the nose. In general, Buck’s main research interest revolves around the detection of odors and pheromones by the nose and their interpretation in the brain (Nobel Prize…c2019). Currently, she serves at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center as a Full Member of the Basic Sciences Division and as an Affiliate Professor of Physiology and Biophysics at the University of Washington. Besides her 2004 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine award, Buck’s other outstanding awards include the Takasogo Award (1992), Lewis S. Rosenstiel Award (1996) Gairdner Foundation International Award (2003), and ForMemRS (2015).
Major Scientific Achievements and Impacts
Linda Buck’s first major scientific discovery is when she solved the puzzle of the thousands of odorous chemicals and humans and other mammals can detect yet such chemicals appeared to be nearly identical to generate varied odor perceptions. She first figured out how the nose could detect such kinds of differing odors and embarked on searching for odor receptors for three years since 1988 (Nobel Prize…c2019). In her 1991 paper, Buck and Axel published the results of their findings where she pinpointed 1000 different types of olfactory receptors in mice, which are located in the olfactory epithelium in the back of the nose as shown in Figure 1 (Nobel Prize…c2019). These receptors are primarily protein molecules binding to molecules of certain odors, thus allowing for the detection of uniquely different scents. Although humans have relatively fewer of such receptors, about 350 against 1000 in mice, they virtually work under a similar mechanism.

(FIGURE 1 - Nasal lining as observed in a colored scanning electron micrograph. The olfactory cells (shown in red) are surrounded by numerous hair-like projections (cilia, shown in blue) (From “/womenwhochangedscience/stories/linda-buck”) retrieved 25 April 2019

Fig 1. Nasal lining as observed in a colored scanning electron micrograph. The olfactory cells (shown in red) are surrounded by numerous hair-like projections (cilia, shown in blue)
Upon solving the puzzle of how the olfactory system recognized odorants, Buck was headed to Harvard University to solve yet another quandary. At Harvard, she wanted to understand how the receptor signals created the impression of varying odors, predicated on their arrangements in the brain. She wondered how only 350 human olfactory receptors could distinguish among more than 10,000 different smells, bearing the fact that some of them are nearly identical (Nobel Prize…c2019). It took Buck until 1999 to find the answer to this puzzle. She discovered that humans had a complicated system whereby each of the olfactory receptor recognized more than a single odorant and each of the odorants known can be recognized by more than a single receptor. The receptors thus create a “combinatorial code” by working in unison forming an “odorant pattern” to detect specific odors. This code is the foundation of the ability of recognizing over 10,000 different types of odors in humans (Nobel Prize…c2019). This is a similar way humans can spell thousands of phrases using only 26 letters of the alphabet, A to Z, or the ability of the cellular machinery to synthesize different amino acids and genes using on four base letters, A, C, G, and T/U.
Buck later moved on to understand the mechanism of transforming odor reception into a perception and memory. In this pursuit, she wanted to understand the journey it takes the odor signals received in the nose from the time they are received to their processing in the olfactory cortex of the brain. At the age of 54 when she became a full professor at Harvard University, Buck published her 2001 paper about the mechanism of mapping olfactory neurons in the cortex (Nobel Prize…c2019). She first began her investigations about smell perception mechanism in the nose and moved into understanding the profound effects of smell on the brain. These effects derived from the smell include memory, attraction, emotion, and aversion. About one year after working on the effect of smell on memory, emotion, attraction, and aversion, and two years before she received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine co-awarded with her colleague Alex, Buck moved back to Seattle. Here at Washington Seattle, Buck established her laboratory at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center and dedicated the facility to her continued exploration of the olfactory system.
Biomedical research in olfaction had lagged behind vision studies in previous century. However, in the early 1990s, this area experienced two different phases of growth with Buck and Axel’s discovery of ORs in 1991 and the subsequent conclusion of the human genome sequence and other mammalian genomes (Keller and Vosshall 2008). The search for rec...
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