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Human Cloning and Gene-editing

Essay Instructions:

Do some research on the Internet about this issue and then write a thoughtful response that is at least 250 words. Answer the following questions:

Do you think we will clone humans in the next 30 years or so?

Do you think we should clone human organs(liver, heart, pancreas, etc.)?

Do you think we should genetically edit human embryos?

Discuss the ethics involved in cloning humans and individual human organs, and in editing human embryos.

Do you think we should pass strict international laws preventing human cloning and/or gene editing in humans?

Include a citation for all references you used in your research (not Wikipedia). Your reference needs to meet the CRAAP test criteria. To meet the currency test, it should be published within the last 5 years - from 2014-2019.

You must address each of these bullet points and satisfy the word count.

You need to include at least 1 citation for the opportunity for full credit. A proper citation includes the name of the author, name of the website, url of the website, date accessed, and date published.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name Professor Course 25 March 2019 Human Cloning and Gene-editing Human cloning refers to cloning a genetic copy of an existing copy while embryonic cloning or therapeutic cloning produces genetically specific embryonic stem cells. Some major ethical issues are surrounding embryonic cloning such as the risks it possesses to the women needed to provide the enormous number of eggs required, the claims of the ‘perfect’ human; and the need for strict regulation to prevent rogue scientists from using the embryos for human cloning. Despite years of research in embryonic cloning, there has been little success. The first successful report of stem cells created from human embryos was published in 2013. The complexity of the human body, the slow speed of progress in research and the serious ethical issues surrounding cloning make it very unlikely to have a human lone in the next 30 years or so. An overwhelming majority, 80-90%, opposes human cloning as shown by various opinion surveys in the last 20 years (Geib, 1). Two factors make organ transplant a problematic undertaking; finding a donor and the chances that the body may reject the organ. As a result, organ demand far outweighs the supply. Some scientists argue that therapeutic cloning could provide a solution to the challenges of organ transplant (Conger, 1). However, there is not enough research for scientists to manipulate human stem cells into various specialized organs. In addition to the ethical issues and scarcity of donors are sufficient reasons why therapeutic cloning should be...
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