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Exam 3 Essays. This assignment is 3 separate questions.

Essay Instructions:

This assignment is 3 separate questions. The prompts are below. Each essay should be 1-1 1/2 pages. Use as many sources as needed to write a convincing argument for each.

1. Critically evaluate the debate surrounding the origins of modern Homo sapiens. What scenarios have been presented and what evidence is used to support or refute these models? Also, be sure to address our current understanding of the relationship between Homo sapiens and Neanderthals.

2. What models explain the rise of bipedalism among our ancestors? Please present the evidence for bipedalism in the fossil record and explain why bipedalism may have been selected for in the past.

3. Provide a brief proposal for a paleoanthropological field study for the hominid or pre-hominid of your choice. In this proposal you must identify a question that is appropriate for your selected species and can be answered doing field work. Because of the nature of fossil and archaeological remains, most field research will involve some form of excavation.

You must provide some background on the selected species (i.e. geography, date range, and what we know about behavior, anatomy, etc.). You must outline a plan of research - what will you do in the field to answer the question? You may have to enlist the help of specialists, tell me who they are. Finally, explain the relevance of your research proposal to our understanding of human evolution.

Note: Contemporary non-human primates are not an acceptable species for this research proposal. Under no circumstances can you directly observe the behavior of an ancestral hominid.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
1. Critically evaluate the debate surrounding the origins of modern Homo sapiens. What scenarios have been presented and what evidence is used to support or refute these models? Also, be sure to address our current understanding of the relationship between Homo sapiens and Neanderthals. 
Modern techniques of genetic analysis highlight that modern men come from a small population of 'Homo sapiens' who lived about 200,000 years ago in Africa. The recent African origin or out of Africa theory emphasizes that the appearance of Homo sapiens in the African continent and subsequent expansion to the rest of the planet. Considering genetic diversity between individuals and the mutations occurring naturally, and filling the stable patterns of evolutionary change, there is convergence. Paleontology studies show that anatomically modern human fossils located in the east and south of Africa support this hypothesis, like the case of human skull remains found at Kibish in Ethiopia (Hammond, Royer and Fleagl). However, other human remains in Morocco in the northwest African legion most likely appeared earlier even before the Homo Sapiens.
The multiregional theory or model (multiregional continuity) contrasts with the out of Africa hypothesis where the evolution of modern man began when Homo erectus was dispersed to Eurasia a million years ago. Subsequently, the regional populations retained unique features but also mixed with populations from the adjoining regions, and there were inherited traits from each other through the gene flow process. Homo erectus is a hominid ancestor of Homo sapiens, and there are various regional subspecies that evolved to Homo sapiens. Scientists use fossil evidence to identify the intermediates between erectus, Neanderthals and sapiens where regional differences exist depending on adaptation. Genetic Evidence also highlight departure from Africa and the Neanderthal DNA is different from modern man.
The Neanderthals populated Europe and parts of Asia, and Homo sapiens populated Africa, and the later survived and adapted to the African landscapes. When the two shared territory in Asia the species were intertwined. The presence of the Homo sapiens DNA in the Neanderthals indicates genetic flow and cross-linking and two species were in contact. The Neanderthals were better adapted to live in cold regions, but Homo sapiens had better technology and were well organized, sapiens had a high forehead and the chin prominent. Different DNA analysis techniques highlight that there was hybridization between Neanderthals and sapiens thousands of years ago, indicating the later may have left Africa early and coexisted with the Neanderthals.

2. What models explain the rise of bipedalism among our ancestors? Please present the evidence for bipedalism in the fossil record and explain why bipedalism may have been selected for in the past.
One of the two of bipedalism models are the theories claim that bipedalism was the morphological response to the need to handle things with the hands. Humans used tools like stones, and transported food, where bipedalism helped fee the upper extremities, facilitating the development of strength and capacity. The theories claim that bipedalism was the morphological response to the need to reserve energy, and walking on two legs humans and other hominids mor...
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