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Evolution. Introduction and credentials. Biological Sciences

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Evolution. Introduction and credentials

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Introduction and credentials
I am researcher and renowned scientist in ecology and evolutionary biology. Recently, research uncovered Fossil "Beardogs"/ amphicyoni a small carnivorous animal closely related to the dog, which has been divided into genra Gustafsonia and Angelarctocyon (Montanari). As such, I would like to further study the link between human interaction and animal evolution and compare this to the domesticated dog.
Evolved organism
The domestic dog is a carnivorous mammal of the Canidae family, a group that includes wild dogs to foxes and animals of the genus Canis including the coyote, jackal and the wolf. Despite the polymorphism that has led to recognition of the various dog breeds, the domestic dog is considered a single species, Canis familiaris, descendant of the wolf, but there are those who consider it its own species in its domestic variant. Even so, it is likely that the ancestors of the different breeds of domestic dogs evolved each one of their own from the numerous subspecies of wolves, including the gray wolf of the different regions. It is also possible that those domestic dogs crossed with their wild ancestors throughout their evolution, which would have shaped the diversity of the species. The dog comes in various sizes, shapes and specializations and breeds when compared other species, but humans have had a profound impact on the evolution of the domestic dog. On the other hand, it should be remembered that the dog has also altered to a large extent the historical evolution of man.
Ancestor of the organism
The origin of the first ancestors of the dog species, dates back to millions of years ago and one of the first would be the Cynodictis, which were mostly found in Europe, North America and Asia. Cynodictis are also considered the ancestors of ancestor of other species like bears and raccoon, and the Cynodictis had long, flexible body, short extremities on limbs. The European Cynodictis became extinct, while the North American version...
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