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Evolution of Eukaryotic Cells Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

In a three-page essay (MAX, double-spaced), describe how it is thought that eukaryotic (animal, plant, AND fungi) cells evolved. Make sure your paper addresses/answers the following questions:

In what ways are eukaryotic cells different from prokaryotic cells?

When did eukaryotic cells first appear? What were those cells?

What is the leading hypothesis for the evolution of eukaryotic cells?

Is there a way to test this hypothesis?

What experiments and observations have provided evidence to support this hypothesis?

What are the implications/practical uses of understanding the detailed evolution of eukaryotic cells?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Evolution of Eukaryotic Cells.
All living things are made up of cells; there are mainly two types of cells namely eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. The cells contain a clearly defined nucleus and organelles which are enclosed by a plasma membrane. Prokaryotic cells are the cells found in prokaryote organisms. These cells do not have a nucleus or any membrane-bound organelles. The cells have essential parts that assist in understanding the evolution of the eukaryotic cell. First is the nucleus which is the main structure that sends out directions to the other parts and holds the cell’s genetic material. The aerobic cell respiration is handled by the mitochondria, which are meant to produce energy in the cell. Plastids are the other structure that are responsible for photosynthesis found in the plant cell. The two cell types have different cellular structures; prokaryotic cells are smaller in size compared to the eukaryotic cells. While most eukaryotic cells do not have a cell wall, prokaryotic cells are made of a different molecule to those with a wall in eukaryotic cells. Due to their small size, the prokaryotic cells have a higher metabolism because of a larger surface area to volume ratio, which enables them to grow faster and generate in a shorter time compared to the eukaryotic cells. Eukaryotic cells are more complex because their genomes contain cytoplasm, unlike the prokaryotic cells. Gene expression is done individually for eukaryotic cells, unlike in prokaryotic cells where it is done in groups known as operons.
The origin of the eukaryotic cells is a major challenge in modern evolution (Archibald 2015). However, 1.5 billion years ago was the first time there was evidence of the first cell with a nucleus (eukaryotic). The American biologist Lynn Margulis largely introduced the world to the research that eukaryotes were formed through a process of endosymbiosis evolution (Archibald 2015). The biologist proposed that the photosynthetic plastids, the basal flagellar bodies and the mitochondria derived from free-living cells should be considered and from the ancient symbiosis evolution resulted in the eukaryotic cell. Endosymbiosis is a theory which suggests that some organelles found in eukaryotic cells were initially prokaryotic cells. Therefore, the theory explains how a host engulfed endosymbionts which brought together different organisms that evolved to become a single organism. ...
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