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Environmental Ethics for Global Sustainability

Essay Instructions:


The purpose of this assignment is to consider the ethics of our global sustainability crisis. We have likely exceeded the carrying capacity of the Earth and are depleting our natural resources at an alarming rate. However, the question of who bears the cost and who benefits is a complex issue. How did we get here and what is the way out?


1. Watch the film, SURVIVING PROGRESS, which can be found at the following site: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=fGyU6MEstjU. Take notes while watching the film, as you will need these notes for your essay. After watching the film, record your thoughts and questions about the movie. You may want to consider how the film’s interviews are used and how the opening and ending sequence are used to convey a point of view.

2. Watch Tom B.K. Goldtooth’s talk “Stopping the Privatization of Nature” https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=rQwwTwpOi3I. Take notes - what resonated with you? How does this inform your understanding of environmental ethics?

3. Re-read Hardin’s “Tragedy of the Commons,” Mildenberger’s critique of Hardin’s essay, and Yang’s “Towards an Egalitarian Global Environmental Ethic.”

4. Combine your notes and thoughts on the film, the talk, and the readings. As you plan your essay, you should consider the following questions but they don’t need to all be addressed paragraph by paragraph:

a. How did we get into our current global environmental crisis? Who is responsible and who pays the price?

b. How does environmental (in)justice and monetization of environmental resources play out on local and global scales?

c. Do certain cultures, economic systems, or societies lend themselves to different models of environmental justice?

d. How does Hardin’s argument differ from the others presented in the videos/readings?

e. What is the way forward? How do we move toward a sustainable existence on Earth? Do you believe that it is possible?

5. Develop a clear thesis statement for your essay that relates to the source material (the videos and readings listed in this assignment) and concerns environmental ethics and/or justice. The essay can be centered on your own thoughts/opinions/critique/interpretation of the material, but it should refer back to the text or video (using proper citations in the style of your choice - APA, MLA etc.)

6. Prepare an essay about 3 typewritten, 1.5 spaced pages in 12 point standard font with 1” margins

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Instructor’s Name
Course Title
Environmental Ethics Essay
Environmental ethics revolve around protecting significant resources for the future and present and making ecosystem and human communities better. This logical practice recognizes how the environment and humans have a continuing causal connection with one another and values the human/nonhuman dynamic in nature (Bioneers). The thesis looks at the concept of environmental ethics with an emphasis on global efforts to achieve it. Sustainable environment and progression can only be attained by incorporating strategies that link the environment, the society, and the economy.
According to the notes and thoughts on the film, the talk, and the readings, an environmental crisis happens when changes to the ecological system of population or species subvert its continued survival. According to the Surviving Progress film, the world has financed an unsustainable growth rate (Wormfeed 78). It leads us to scrutinize the idea that progress is indeed progressing. It signifies that it is helpful to humankind. We got into the current global environmental crisis in several ways. Most human beings doings cause environmental degradation, which is the deterioration of the ecosystem by destroying environments; depletion of resources such as soil, water, and water; the extinction of wildlife; pollution; and habitat destruction. Augmented natural resource usage results in several other environmental problems, for instance, population growth, industrialization, and air pollution. After a particular time, natural resource lessening will result in an energy crisis (Kumar et al., 213). The chemicals released from numerous natural resources add to climate change. Pollution of land, water, and air by too much industrialization, deforestation, and overfilling landfills, which release CO2 and contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, are all leading causes of the ecological concerns.
Human beings are responsible for the ethics of our global sustainability crisis. They are also the ones to pay the price. They affect the environment in several ways (Wormfeed 78). Changes made by them have prompted poor air quality, climate change, undrinkable water, and soil erosion. The climate catastrophe triggers tropical storms and other weather occurrences like flooding, heatwaves, and hurricanes, to be more frequent and intense than seen before. It is essential to get individuals to pay for the price appropriately (Wormfeed 78). For instance, it can entail making sure that persons and companies pay the true price of polluting our planet. One way to develop the pricing is by fiscal instruments, for example, ecological taxes or emissions interchange structures where governmen...
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