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Biological & Biomedical Sciences
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Do You Believe That Add Is Caused By Biology Alone

Essay Instructions:

Here’s your assignment…

Read a few articles on the Internet regarding the roles of biology and the environment on the incidence of ADD in the population. Based on your reading, answer the following question…

--Do you believe that ADD is caused by biology alone (i.e., abnormal levels of a neurotransmitter), the environment alone (e.g., increased pressure on children), or a combination of the two?

Your reference needs to meet the CRAAP test criteria. To meet the currency test, it should be published within the last 5 years - from 2014-2019.

Your response should be about 250 words long and include an explanation of your reasoning. Include the citations of any references (not Wikipedia) that you used in your research. You need to include at least 1 citation for the opportunity for full credit. A proper citation includes the name of the author, name of the website, url of the website, date accessed, and date published.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Biological and Environmental Causes of ADD
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is recognized as a neurological disorder that affects people by making it difficult for them to pay attention or to maintain their behavior. People with ADD also show signs of impulsiveness and hyperactivity. Biology and environmental factors are the primary causes of ADD. In biology, it is notable that ADD is linked to mental disorders. Besides, ADD results from a combination of environmental and genetic risk factors (Andrea 24). In genetics, Attention Deficit Disorder is caused by an imbalance of small molecules responsible for communication often found between neurons and dopamine. Therefore, whenever there is an imbalance of dopamine-related nervous system, there is a high possibility of a person developing ADD. Hyperstimulation of the colliculus in the middle of the brain that receives data from the retina is also linked to causes of ADD and so is the accumulation of the neurotransmitter noradrenaline.
Attention Deficit Disorder is also caused by childhood exposure to som...
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