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Research Paper On Comparative Bio Mechanics Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Comparative Biomechanics Assignment

This assignment is meant to get you thinking about organisms in nature in the context of biomechanics. We will walk through the UCR Botanic Garden and observe organisms. Think about how organisms are constrained or influenced by mechanics.


1) Walk through the garden and examine the diversity of life. Draw examples in your field notebook.

2) Make a list of functional traits (features) that you think are likely important for the survival and/or reproduction of the organisms you have chosen to study.

3) Ask a question and generate a hypothesis.

4) Read up on the topic after your initial observation.

5) Provide a brief summary of an experiment that you would develop to test the hypothesis.

6) Your brief summary must include a methods section that provides details regarding necessary equipment. For example, if you decide to study water transport in plants, what equipment will be needed?

-I observed turtles in a pond swimming.

-Introduction, ask a question/hypothesis, methods, research and provide sources, conclusion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Comparative Biomechanics Assignment
The University of California, Riverside, Botanic Gardens (also known as the UCR Botanic Gardens) are spread in an area of 40 acres (Currey 1628). While walking through this garden, I came across various animal and plant species. On an estimate, there are 3,400 plant species in this garden, and the diversity of life can be seen all around. The garden is situated in the eastern foothills of the Box Springs Mountain. Up to six kilometers of trails wind through different microclimates and hilly terrain.
Various animal and bird species were also found in the UCR Botanic Gardens. It’s safe to say that for large animals like mammals, this garden is like a stepping stone across an incredible landscape, and for small animals like insects, it is a center of their home range. Species like a nuthatch, dunnock, wood pigeons, blue tits, and robins could be seen in the garden. In addition, I found some sparrowhawks, coal tits, and treecreepers over there.
There was an abundance of insect life in the UCR Botanic Gardens. Various species of butterflies and moths could be seen (An Introduction to Laryngeal Biomechanic 129). This garden is home to up to 200 bird species like mallards, kestrels, plovers, falcons, kites, and starlings. Mammal residents include Audubon cottontails, gophers, kangaroo rats, ground squirrels, gray foxes, bobcats, and skunks. In addition, reptiles like lizards, snakes, and turtles were found in the UCR Botanic Gardens. Amphibians like bullfrogs, salamanders, Pacific tree frogs, and western toads were present there. Fish species include carp and koi. Reptiles, including turtles, lizards of many kinds, and snakes, ranging from gopher snakes to the venomous rattlers, also populate the gardens. Amphibian residents include bullfrogs, western toads, salamanders, and Pacific Tree Frog. Fishes include koi and carp.
It is not possible for me to make a complete list of all animals and birds found in the UCR Botanic Gardens, as there are hundreds of species and the garden is extensively large (Blanco 26). However, the organisms I have chosen for my study are turtles. The functional traits or features that deem to be important to ...
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