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1 pages/≈275 words
Biological & Biomedical Sciences
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Biology 101 Bourdon, and Bernard Focused on DNA Methylation

Essay Instructions:

Assignments (THREE) are intended for you to apply what you have learned about course topics

in Biology to the understanding of current events

◦ Identify an article which has appeared in a periodical since January 1st of 2015, summarize and

connect directly to course topics/discussions

◦ Important to be well written, properly sourced/cited, 1-2 pages (12pt, 1” margins, doublespaced)

◦ MUST include a description of TWO important or critical questions raised

◦ MUST adhere to the rules of scholarship – i.e. consist of your own original words and work

Biology 101

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Professor’s Name
Biology 101
The article by Shin, Bourdon, and Bernard focused on DNA methylation (DNAm) and gene expression in healthy individuals. The purpose of the article was to determine how to control DNAm and gene expression using three different cohorts comprising of adolescents and adults, and to determine the risk of multiple sclerosis. The use of adolescents and adults in the sample was intentional so as to establish whether the association between DNAm and gene expression is influenced by age. To answer the first question on whether the largest component of shared variance can be genetically determined, the authors conducted a principal component analysis of CpGs. The second question was whether the DNAm at the CpGs is heritable.
The article revealed that DNAm and gene expression can be controlled. The long-range meQTL is effective in c...
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