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Analysis Paper Designing Buildings In Europe

Essay Instructions:

Choose an item in real practice to analyze using Chap 6 material. It can be a machine, a frame, or even a

truss bridge (there are a lot of bridges that you can find dimensions for online). Use real dimensions and

estimate real loads/forces.

Depending on how in-depth your analysis goes you can earn up to 30 points. You will get more points if

you take into account various aspects and solved for all the joints. Did you do a 2-D or 3-D analysis? If it

is a bridge did you model how forces change with a full load of stopped cars on your bridge (i.e. model

this as an additional distributed load)? Have you modeled the weight of the structure? Where is the

maximum loading occurring in your structure/machine (i.e. where is failure likely to occur)? Be creative

in the questions you ask and answer. I will be asking this question as I grade it: How well did you do your

analysis within the limitations of applying concepts we have used in class? This is very open-ended.

Have fun.

Turn in a one page written report explaining your analysis. Summarize your findings in your typed

written report. Attach all drawings and your handwritten or typed analysis of your

frame/machine/bridge. You may use a CAD program if you desire as well. Impress me with your

understanding of how to apply the concepts we have learned in class. Also include a check in some way

that your calculations are accurate (i.e. in a truss problem you can use other joints to check your


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Analysis Paper
Simple trusses have been around since the 15th century and were first used in designing buildings in Europe. In the United States, they were used in several bridge designers in the 17th century. As wood was available in excess, the trend of using trusses had become common with time. After reading this chapter, I have learned that a truss is extensively used in structural engineering and architecture for structural support. The simplest and basic type of truss is a triangle truss, which consists of a series of triangles arranged in a specific way so that the weight could be evenly distributed for maximum support. It is made up of a frame with tiny triangles and three beams that are connected in the corner through thre...
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