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Visual & Performing Arts
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Final Project: The Tragedy of Macbeth. Visual & Performing Arts Essay

Essay Instructions:

Please look at the instruction document I uploaded, you only need to do PART I. This assignment requires you the knowledge of Macbeth, and be able to talk about the lighting, stage setting, and character's action and change. The two themes that I identified are corruption and ambition, but feel free to choose other themes that you are more comfortable writing.


1T125 Performance as Art & Design
Fall 2020
FINAL DESIGN PROJECT based on Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Macbeth
All T125 students are required to complete a FINAL PROJECT for the course. It must be complete and completely uploaded by 5:00pm EST, Monday, December 14, 2020. It will include a written component and a visual image collection.
To apply concepts and methods learned in class and through required reading to the conception and approach to an unrealized production of The Tragedy of Macbeth. To engage critical analysis of The Tragedy of Macbeth text, characterization and to develop a clear outline of place, character identification and audience experience through their storytelling.
PART ONE: The Written Component
1. Write a two-page, double-spaced statement that clearly addresses the following questions and statements:
a. The first two paragraphs must clearly state the overall thematic and stylistic approach the student will take to the production. b. The major body of the statement should persuasively describe WHY this approach to the play is being developed.
i. Cite specific actions, characters, inciting incidents, moments where the approach drives the storytelling and engages at a deeper level.
ii. How will space, place, time, character identity, experience be explored through the use of scenic, costume, lighting, sound, technology or projection.
c. The closing paragraph will address the student’s intentions on HOW the approach will engage and/or impact an audience for their production idea. What is the intended audience response to the approach?
2. Upload document in Word or as a PDF to the Assignment Link on Canvas.2PART TWO: The Visual Component
1. Create a PowerPoint of visual images that clearly address the following outline AND stay specific to the quality of presentation expected in the rubric.a. Create a PowerPoint collection of 20 images that visually support the production approach outlined in The Written Component in Part One of this project.
i. Images must support how this world will look in terms of place, character’s appearance, lighting, props, overall environmentaland students may choose to embed brief video and/or sound links into their document.
b. Presentation is important so keep in mind the following:
i. Select a background that reflects the mood and spirit of the concept/approach. This means the color and/or texture etc.
ii. Select a Font and Font Size that also reflects the mood and spirit of the concept/approach.
iii. Organize the images in the most impactful and/or logical way throughout the presentation.
c. Visual images are most persuasive and of higher quality when the utilize the following standards:
i. Images should be at least 4” x 4” and no more than four to a slide.
ii. If dragging images, drag from corners so they don’t torque or skew.iii. Images should be medium to high resolution. Clarity is key. d. Bibliography and/or citations for images is NOT required.2. Upload the document preferably as a PDF under the same Assignment Link as ‘Part One’ on Canvas.3RUBRIC: (grading criteria)GRADERANGEEstablishes a clear approachDemonstrates critical evaluation of textImages persuasively tell the story Writing PowerPoint “A”Evidences a degree of excellence through thoughtful and attentive engagement with the storytelling and time spent creating a written & visualresponseWriting demonstrates excellence inestablishingand articulatinga persuasive argument toapproaching the Midsummertext in a unique or evocative way.Demonstrates excellence in ability toidentify and describeactions and moments in the text that drive the story through the student’s use ofscenic, costume, lighting and/or sound and/or technology.Demonstrates excellence in clarity toidentify and describe the proposedapproach to the text. Visual images clearly reinforce the written statement and ideas about the world of the play.Writing is free from any grammar, technical, spelling orpunctuation errors; evidences a clear and cohesive narrative (train of thought).Images are of excellent resolution and clarity;organized cohesively, sized at least 4” x 4” and the font, layoutand background support the mood & spirit of the concept.“B”Evidences a degree of concentration through fairly thoughtful and attentive engagement with the storytelling and sufficient time spent creating a written & visual responseWriting is strong as it establishes and articulates a persuasive argument to approaching the Midsummertext in a unique or evocative way.Identifies and describes actions and moments in the text that drive the story through the student’s use of scenic, costume, lighting and/or sound and/or technology.Identifies and describes the proposedapproach to the text. Visual images clearly reinforce the written statement and ideas about the world of the play.Writing is free from any grammar, technical, spelling or punctuation errors; evidences a clear and cohesive narrative (train of thought).Images are of quality resolution and clarity, organized cohesively, sized at least 4” x 4” and the font, lay-out and background support the mood & spirit of the concept.“C”Demonstrates a basic understanding of concepts & methodologies of performanceDemonstrates some grasp of the play & has identified a theme in their approach. Identifies moments in the text and gives some indication of how design elements support their approach.Demonstrates a basic understanding of how the physical environment & performers help shape time and placeServiceable writing style with little to no grammar and punctuation errors and no typos.Has some grasp of images that create some impact in visually describing the world of the play“D” to “F” level grades are earned by failing to meet the above outlined criteria as evaluated by instructor.Any project not submitted receives zero points

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
The Tragedy of Macbeth
When people emanate into power, they chip into a feeling that their decisions, which most of the time conflict over the lives of other individuals, are not their responsibility. Hence, power corrupts the minds of these people. In the tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare, the fundamental ideas of corruption and ambition are portrayed. When Macbeth turned out to be Thane of Cordor, his wife was so pleased to receive such newscasts. Later on, upon trialing that Macbeth had earlier on been looked in by occultists that saw Macbeth as king, she utilized each latter alternative to lunging her spouse into influence, by the practice of murdering the king, using extortion and deception too(Manninen). It is an impeccable instance of corruption, in the sense that as soon as she fondled the tickle of influence, she desired for more of it.
However, fortified by the Occultists, the scandal of Macbeth is immediate in his ambition. Well, Macbeth's wife is as determined as her husband, reassuring him to compel a massacre to attain their intentions. The husband and wife all nosedive to picture how their drive brands them cross moral lines and lead to their downfall. Even so, Macbeth is involved in killing Duncan, and his drive to retain kinghood is entwined in obsession. He is so gripped with upholding the influence he has attracted. His sightless hunt for supremacy, however, is distinguished from other ambitious typescripts such as Banquo, who overhears the Occultists' visions, plus likewise contributes ambition for his sons (Shakespeare). However, contrasting to Macbeth, the morality levels of Banquo averts him from chasing his objective at every charge. In the play finale, Macbeth attains all he desired, but sadly he...
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