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Assignment 3 Evaluation Short-Eared Owl By Evelyn Mix

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 3 EVALUATION 
Write an essay expressing your judgment about the worth or value of an item that the ship will choose, and then defend your judgment through the details you present. 
The Genre: Evaluation involves making judgments. Evaluation essays present the writer's opinion about his/her topic and support for that opinion, so that the reader sees something of the process the writer went through to reach a judgment about the topic. Because this judgment will be a value judgment, evaluation essays are essentially argumentative. You must present developed, well-supported arguments. Evaluations also require you to look critically at the standards underlying your own judgments as well as those of other people.  First, agree on what to evaluate. Second, determine the aspects of it you want to consider. Third, establish criteria for each aspect. Fourth, make a value judgment. • Fifth, offer specific support for your judgment. Include outside sources. Use the information you find in the library, on the internet, and your ship’s experience when viewing the item, as well as ideas from the artist, classmates, and teachers to support your argument. 
How This Genre Functions in the University: College students write evaluations of various kinds in many courses. The English major writes evaluations of novels, poems and short stories. The art major writes evaluations of paintings and painters.  The business major writes personnel evaluations, and successful or failing business evaluations. The computer science major writes evaluations of computer programs and systems. 
Assignment Options: Write an essay evaluating an item in one of the following categories: • an on-campus sculpture a painting, perhaps from the Holton-Hooker Living and Learning collection• a collage, perhaps from the Holton-Hooker Living and Learning collection• an on-campus mural• an on-campus performance 
There are many other types of art that you may select.  If your item is not on this list, however, the ship must secure the approval of the Admiral of the Fleet.
The Regatta: Your ship will hold a Blackboard discussion group meeting to decide and prioritize what you want to evaluate.  When you reach a consensus, email me your choices 1-2-3.  You will get them on a first-come, first-serve basis, beginning tomorrow at noon.  (Timeliness does count!).  The ship will go immediately to the Discussion Board on Bb to determine the aspects you want to consider and the criteria you will use for evaluation.  These will be "reported-out" by the ship's captain at the next class.
Paper Guidelines: All evaluations will require library research with MLA documentation. Your essay should be four to five double-spaced pages. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Short-eared owl by Evelyn Mix
This paper is based on the short-eared owl painting which was initially done in 1986 by Evelyn Mix. The image presented the owl protecting the eggs using the wings.The drawing also represents the owl’s habitat to the owl which is surrounded by stalks. Unlike other types, this owl is mostly active during the day. It is therefore more familiar than other owls. The short-eared owl is one of the endangered species and lives in open areas such as in savanna and other areas which are covered by low vegetation. These owls mostly feed on small mammals such as mice and rats, and also some birds. They live in nests which are constructed using grasses and feathers. This paper will evaluate and interpret the information coded in this drawing.
First, the colors used are white and black (Mix, 2014). The white color is associated with protection, purity, safety, and innocence while the black color is likened to negativities such as fear, death, and mystery. The eggs in the drawing are painted white, an indicator of the purity and innocence of the life held in the eggs. On the other side, the owl is painted black which would be a sign of fear from the activities of people towards the endangered species. The transition from the white color of the eggs to the black color of the owl indicates the mystery and the challenges that the species go through as a result of human activities. Human beings carry out different activities, such as deforestation and environmental pollution, which leads to changes in climatic conditions. Climate change further affects the bird’s existence through interfering with the favorable conditions necessary for the bird’s survival.
Additionally, the design of the drawing also presents coded information that the artist wants to communicate. First, the artwork depicts the owl covering its owlets and the eggs using its wings (Mix, 2014). By so doing, it is fulfilling its role which is to protect the owlets from the occurrences in the environment. Apart from safeguarding the owlets from the harshness of human activities, this drawing would also foreshadow various issues. First, parents have the responsibility to protect their kids from harm and undesirable happenings from the society. There are many activities happening in the contemporary world such as drug abuse, technology addiction and parents are supposed to safeguard them from involving themselves in these and other social vices such as irresponsible sexual behaviors and indulging in criminal activities.
Secondly, the protective nature of the owl would be a wakeup call from the artist to humans to protect the world to protect the environment for the sake of the future generations. In this drawing, the owl is mindful of the young ones and the eggs, which represent the future generations and is ready to shield them from the external forces (Mix, 2014). Activities such as deforestation, environmental pollution, and emission of poisonous gases which interfere with the ozone layer may risk the lives of every living thing on the planet. The artist wants people to be responsible and protect the environment for the sake of th...
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