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Questionnaire for Documentary The Value of Art

Essay Instructions:

Art in Context: Art Market and the Value of Art
5a) Questionnaire for Documentary The Value of Art (including questions to the NYTimes articles (included in in questionnaire).

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ARTS 1510
Documentary: “What Makes Art Valuable?”
1 What is the main question of the documentary?
The main question of the documentary is, what specifically, gives value to a piece of art?
2 What motivates these collectors to buy art? What arguments are brought forward by various voices throughout the documentary?
There are various reasons based on the documentary, as to why collectors buy art. Perhaps the most pertinent one is that it might act indirectly, as a symbol of affluence, especially for the rich. Some do it basically for the genuine love of it. At some point within the video, it is clear that it is a symbol of status amongst the rich.
3 What is provenance? How does it contribute to the monetary value of art?
From the documentary, provenance can simply be defined as the entire route through which the artwork has gone through. In this case, it includes all the aspects such as all the galleries and exhibitions where the artwork has been displayed before, all the dealers and auction houses through which the artwork has gone through.
4 Why are Old Master paintings unlikely to be found on the market?
They are unlikely to be found in the market due to the marked changes in preferences. For example, there has been a decrease in the traditional art fairs, while the auction houses have also drastically adjusted from wholesale to particulate retail.
5 Is monetary value linked to quality? Explain your answer.
No. Monetary value is in no way linked to equality because some, if not most, of these artworks are just acquired as part of a collection for the affluent in society. When one takes the example of an auction, the artwork goes to the highest bidder. This therefore, means that it is not the most quality artwork getting the sale, but rather the wealthiest acquires the work.
6 Is art “just” a brand? Should art be more than a brand? Can we escape the branding of art? Explain.
Art is a brand. This is because, it defines the artist and its origins, which makes it particular as well as specific to a certain individual. This therefore, qualifies it as a brand. Art should indeed be more than a brand, due to the fact that it can be appealing to global masses rather than just a select few. The problem however, is that it is virtually impossible to escape the branding of art. This is because provenance plays a crucial role in the value of any piece of art.
The documentary was made before the recent auction at Christie’s. Read about the auction here: /2017/11/15/arts/design/leonardo-da-vinci-salvator-mundi-christies-auction.html
* What is the most expensive painting today? What was the price? Who bought it?
Leonardo da Vinci's Salvator Mundi is currently the most expensive painting. It is actually the most expensive piece of artwork that has ever been sold in history. It was sold for $450 million. The buyer of the artwork is still unknown.
* What is the provenance of the painting?
The painting was among the last pieces of the original works of Leonardo da Vinci. The painting is a depiction of Christ as Salvator Mundi. It shows Christ in blue, holding a crystal orb in his hand.
Then read: /2017/11/24/arts/design/salvator-mundi-leonardo.html
* According to the article in the NY Times, how did this sale influence the art market?
This sale influenced the market in a number of ways. Firs...
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