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Performance Treatment: The Primary Conflict in the Play "She Loves Me"

Essay Instructions:

PERFORMANCE TREATMENT - CHOICES (Choose 1):Frankenstein (National Theatre Collection)Frankenstein is a stage adaptation by Nick Dear of Mary Shelley's 1818 novelDirected by Danny Boylehttps://video-alexanderstreet-com.proxy2.library.illinois.edu/watch/frankenstein-bc-ascreature?context=channel:national-theatre-collectionShe Loves Me (Broadway HD)With a book by Joe Masteroff, lyrics by Sheldon Harnick, and music by Jerry Bock.Directed by David Hornhttps://video-alexanderstreet-com.proxy2.library.illinois.edu/watch/she-lovesme?context=channel:broadwayhd-collectionPipeline, Written by Dominique Morisseau (Digital Theatre +)Directed by Lileana Blain-Cruz/Habib Azarhttps://edu-digitaltheatreplus-com.proxy2.library.illinois.edu/content/productions/pipelineThe Neverland by Madeline Sayet (Colwell Playhouse) *This is a live event.April 7,8,9,13,14,15,16. Tickets may be purchased by going to:https://krannertcenter.com/calendar?date=2022-04Sweat by Lynn Nottage (Studio Theatre) *This is a live event.April 15,16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. Tickets may be purchased by going to:https://krannertcenter.com/calendar?date=2022-04**ALL SHOWS ARE CAPTIONED BUT PIPELINE HAS THE BEST CAPTIONING of the digital productions.You will need to sign in for access. You can also gain access through the Illinois library page.DUE: (submitted through Compass): 11pm (CT) Wednesday, May 4th [350 Pts.]The performance treatment assignment is meant to apply things we’ve been learning in class directly to atheatrical production created by the Department of Theatre.REVIEW THE COURSE ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY IN THE SYLLABUS. This will be submitted via SafeAssignand any document in violation of the policy (having improper or lacking citations, overt similarities to otherworks, copying, facilitating, improper consultation) will result in the policy being strictly enforced.QUESTIONS YOU MUST ADDRESS: We do expect formality and proper academic writing style in your answers.Any supporting outside research should be cited properly using the appropriate MLA style guide. For such astyle guide you might visit the library or the Writing Center. It should be at least 2 to 3 pages in length.1. Describe the central conflict of the production as you understood it. (See text pg. 33 for definitions.The central conflict drives the story forward.) Give specific examples to support your conclusions.2. In examining the work of the costume designer, choose at least two costumes and describe them indetail. What information could you gain from the designs? How effective were the costume designchoices in supporting the production, characters, time period, etc. If something did or did not work,explain why. Give specific examples to support your conclusions.3. Examining the work of the lighting designer, evaluate the effectiveness of the design choices made inthe production. (See text Ch. 5 for design definitions.) Choose at least two moments and describe howthe lighting design worked to support those moments? What information could you gain from thelighting design choices made? If something did or didn’t work, why or why not? (This may spill over touse of projections if projections were used.) Give specific examples to support your conclusions.4. Examining the director’s work, what specific elements of staging within the production stick out in yourmind and what made them memorable? (See text pg. 166 for staging examples.) How did the directoruse the actor’s, their movements (blocking) and the space to help tell the story? Be sure toinclude specific examples from the production.5. Describe, in specific detail, the final moments of the play in terms of actual events as they were viewedon stage. How did the final moment relate to the central conflict? Was the central conflict resolved? Ifso, or if not, how did you reach your conclusion? Give specific examples to support your conclusions.6. What reasons can you give why the University of Illinois Department of Theatre might choose (digitalshows) or chose (live shows) to produce this production. Support your conclusionswith specific reasons.7. What do you feel this production communicated (theme or message) to the audience? Support yourconclusions with specific examples.8. What appealed to you about the production and why? (You don’t have to “like” the whole production,but we do want you to focus on at least some things that appealed to you. Provide specific examplesand explain why.)HOW WILL I BE GRADED? This assignment is worth 350 points. 50 points will be assigned based on evaluationof format (spelling, grammar, punctuation, citations and the like). Each question will be worth 37.5 points. Youwill be evaluated by assessment of the following: Did you completely answer the questions provided? Howsuccessfully did you apply concepts from class to practices in production through your brief answers? Is it clearyou attended the production?Note: Should it be determined that you did not watch the performance; you will forfeit the grade for thisassignment. By submitting a performance treatment for a production which you did not see you will also besubject to the course academic integrity policy- please see the syllabus for details.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student's Name:
Performance Treatment
The Primary Conflict in the Play
"She Loves Me" is a 1930s musical play that centers on the elegant staff of Marcazek's Perfumery business. The primary characters responsible for the conflict in the play are George Norwalk and Amalia Blash. The play contradicting situation is that the two characters love each other in their anonymity but are antagonists whenever they meet physically at work. George and Amalia exchange love letters without the knowledge of each other’s affectionate poetic letters. For instance, George reads a letter addressed to him as 'Dear friend.' However, since they strangely love each other, George and Amalia despise each other. While Amalia finds George stubborn and annoying, the latter thinks the former is proud and petty. Therefore, the film is about the drama that disconnects George and Amalia, and makes them come to reality (Broadway HD).
Costume Design Examination
In examining the costume designer’s work, one can tell the various traits of the characters in the musical play, which match their behavior and role. The choice of the costumes for the characters truly depicts class and glamour based on the nature of their jobs which is selling expensive perfumes. The staff is expensively dressed from head to toe, perhaps due to the wealthy customers they serve, and they have to make a good impression. The three women clients were elegantly dressed in black with hats, gloves, and furs, which depict the social status of middle-class women in the 1990s (FGR). Similarly, male characters were in a dressing code that comprised complete suits that closely showed their body features and personalities. For instance, Mr. Maraczek describes to the audience George's nature when he suggests that he should marry. He further asks George if he was not already tired of staying in furnished rooms and attending the cabarets and dance halls. It, therefore, shows that the young man is dressing nicely to impress since he is single. The dressing attire for men also expresses their gentle mannerisms as they occasionally bow to the female customers whenever they enter or exit the business. The delivery boy has his trousers tacked in the socks to allow him to do the cycling easily and has a watch on, which surely helps him tell time according to the nature of his work.
On the other hand, Miss Ritter dresses in a simple dress that ideally allows her to move around freely as the cast is full of rapid movements like dancing. She also wears high heels, which denote the ri...
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