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Origin and Examples of Lusterware Ceramics

Essay Instructions:

You will need to write a 2 pages paper on ceramic or ceramic artist that is in a gallery, museum show or research information online. The simplest way is to find a topic that you are interested, find a video online with the topic and write a report.

If you actually see the ceramic in real, you will need to write your experience seeing ceramics.
- Include the information on the piece/type of ware such as material, technique, glaze, shape, equipment used, functionality, thoughts behind.
- Include artist's background, location, cultural information, display location, special meaning.
- Include your personal thoughts and analysis on the piece/type of ware , examples that you want to compare and contrast with.
- Include reference for the pieces you mentioned in the paper so it is easy to look up. Bibliography is preferred!

The artists, subject, topic can be the following but not limited to:
Cultural Ware - Any distinct style of ware in the culture in any period of time
* Mesopotamia, Iran, Egypt, India, Mycenae, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome
Ex. Greek pithoi, Kamares Ware, Marine-style ceramic, William the Hippopotamus, Polacca Polychrome Water Jar
* China, Japan, Korea
Ex. Terracotta army, blue-and-white ware, Yixing teapot, haniwa, Raku, teabowl and tea ceremony, Korean celadon, Korean inlay,
* American-Indian Pottery, Mesoamerica and South America
Ex. The Maya, Aztec Warrior, Santa Ana Stirrup Spout Vessel, Moche Ceramic Portrait Vessel
* The Islamic World, Africa
Ex. Mihrab, Nok style, Luster ware
* Continental European Earthenware and Stoneware, European Porcelain
Ex. Hispano-Moresque blue and gold luster ware, majolica painter, German salt glazed wares, native slipware, Modeled and Painted Figures, Rococo style
* Arts and Crafts Movement, Art Nouveau, modern
Ex. William de Morgan, Christopher Dresser, Art Pottery in the US, William H. Grueby, Paul Gauguin, Picasso
* Any complementary ceramic artist
Ex. Ai Weiwei, ‘The Dinner Party’ by Judy Chicago, edmund de waal

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Luster Ware: Report
This report examines the lusterware as ceramic or porcelain produced with a metallic glaze that provides the iridescence effects. The report aims to describe luster ware as one of the techniques found various ceramics in the gallery or museum that interests me. One of ceramics that used the technique is a jug. The lusterware was common in the Islamic World in Africa, where lusterware was formed by metallic oxides solution and applied on ceramics (Dodds & Leoni 4). Thus, the lusterware effect was the final coating applied to the ceramic glaze, after the light second firing and applied small quantities of metallic compounds, specifically copper or silver. The lusterware technique on pottery was initially developed in Mesopotamia during the 9th century, and by the 10th century, it had spread across Egypt, Persia and Syria. Materials made of lusterware technique included jugs, bowls, glass, vases and bottles.
Example of a Lusterware ceramic
To get details of the lusterware ceramic, I searched online regarding the ceramics in the Islamic World, where I found many descriptions regarding the lusterware. The Islamic World in Africa was popular for utilizing metals such as gold, copper, and silver to produce attractive objects. Various videos on the online platforms indicate how the lusterware ceramics were produced (The British Museum 00:38). Therefore, I watched the videos to understand how various materials were made using lusterware technology. Therefore, the study included an online description and watching of the available resources that facilitated in writing of the report.
The findings regarding the lusterware technique indicate that metallic oxides were initially mixed into a molten liquid. This technology is similar to the molding of clay soil during pot making. Howe...
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