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Visual & Performing Arts
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Media Analysis On Cheerio Interracial Commercial

Essay Instructions:

one way or another, we are all influenced by the different forms of media that constantly

surround us. In this essay you will analyze one of these media “texts” (a TV show, advertisement,

comic book, video game, or perhaps a different kind of text that you’ve cleared with me ahead of

time) with the purpose of exploring and explaining one of the underlying arguments the text makes.

To uncover the argument, you’ll need to consider the cultural values, beliefs, stereotypes, and/or

myths the text offers up or perpetuates and perhaps the claims the text makes about the various

consumer groups it targets and/or portrays.

This essay can be approached in a number of ways, but you’ll want to begin by thinking about and

exploring three questions:

What stands out to you in the text? It’s often a good idea to start any analysis by concentrating

on the moments in the text that catch your attention, surprise, or confuse you. You will likely need

to summarize briefly your text to familiarize your audience with it, but focus your analysis on those

important moments that you find. Use them to build towards your own main claim about the text,

which is the answer to the next question…

What argument is the text making? Think about what the text is trying to persuade its viewers to

do and how it is doing so. Move beyond simple literal analysis (e.g. “This Bud Light advertisement is

arguing that Bud Light is a good beer” or “The TV show The Walking Dead argues that life is difficult

following a zombie apocalypse”). Aim for critical analysis that deals with one particular underlying,

complex argument. Think carefully about the cultural values and beliefs the text capitalizes on.

What are the characters in the text like, and what do they do? What do they wear? What seems to be

important to them? How is the text subtly (or not) convincing its audience to behave in certain ways

or believe certain things? These questions are a good start, but craft your own additional questions

about the text as you analyze it.

How does this text fit into a larger cultural picture? Is your text responding to other texts or

arguments? Which ones and how? Try to make connections between the argument your text is

making and other arguments, beliefs, and values that its audience would be familiar with. For

example, how does the latest popular comic book film relate and/or respond to other comic book

films? Do other films (comic book or otherwise) deal with the same argument your film makes? In

what ways? Again, craft your own questions about the larger cultural picture surrounding your Carefully exploring all of these questions should lead you to the formulation of one clear main

claim about your text, which you will argue throughout the essay, using strong reasons and

evidence as support. Your goal here is to produce an analysis of your chosen text that gives your

readers new insight into how the text works and the arguments it makes. You might envision as your

audience people who are interested in media texts and the way they influence consumers of their



- Make sure to back up the claims you make with evidence from the text at hand, and use MLA style

when you quote, paraphrase, or summarize your text.

- Make sure your essay is a unified whole; craft transitions between paragraphs. Your final draft

shouldn’t read like a series of unconnected and unrelated paragraphs.

- Be sure to consider what others might say about your media text and its argument. Remember that

your essay is a part of a larger conversation about the media and cultural values and beliefs.

Grading Procedures

The following four categories will always be taken into consideration when assigning essay grades:

1.) Logical Consistency

2.) Grammatical correctness

3.) Soundness of Rhetorical decisions

4.) Adherence to the Prompt

*You can also find a more detailed rubric on our Canvas site as part of the Essay 1: Media Analysis

assignment. You can also find there an MLA template for how to format your papers for 1302 (as

described below).

Essays must be typed in 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced and stapled. Include your

name, course and section numbers (ENGL 1302-WS3), date due, my name, and a title (but no title

page). All papers (unless otherwise noted) must follow MLA format. On the day papers are due,

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Patrick Melrose TV Show Analysis
(Student’s name)
Visual and Performing Arts
(Institutional affiliation)
Patrick Melrose TV Show Analysis
Patrick Melrose is based on a book that tells the story of an alcohol and heroine addict who had his childhood ruined by his father. The story gives viewers an inside look into how someone who is enslaved by drugs and alcohol tries to survive everyday life with their addiction. Even the times when Patrick went into a withdrawal phase is clearly being shown and it may become an eye-opener for those who are contemplating on using drugs or abusing alcohol to get over a past traumatic experience. The TV show has a lot of twists and turns that will leave a person wondering what is going to happen next and why things are the way they are.
What stands out to me in the TV show is the reason behind why he resulted to taking drugs every day and that he still a has not managed to get his life back together. Of course, everyone is difference and a lot of people have different coping mechanisms, but it is painful to watch a human suffer like that. Patrick had tried to stop his addiction many times, but the withdrawal phase is too painful and he always comes crawling back to his memories. When Patrick was 8 until a few years later, his father named David Melrose was sexually abusing him and he was not allowed to say anything to anyone, even to his mom. David was a very difficult and powerful man that people were either scared or spiteful of him because of his manipulative and cruel character. His wife had a lonely and sad life with him but stayed because she was afraid to go anywhere and he might hunt her down.
The TV show is making an argument that a traumatic experience can mess with someone’s head even when they are already grown up. Moreover, it affects the relationships a person has with other people whether they are romantic or platonic. When Patrick’s mother was on her death bed, she decided to give the inheritance to a foundation and left completely nothing for him. Patrick was angry and frustrated because of her mom’s wretchedness and this affected his relationship with his wife and son. Patrick started to drink again and his son becomes sad upon witnessing this. Not long after that, his wife decides to leave him together with their children because of he might affect them. The cultural value in this show is not valuable because not everyone in London copes with a traumatic experience in the same way. I also do not think that everyone handles their bad memories the same way because there are other distractions available out there; even healthier ones.
The characters in the text are very intense and they have different sets of values. They are mostly conservat...
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