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Visual & Performing Arts
English (U.S.)
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Marina Black Show at The Catherine Edelman Gallery

Essay Instructions:

EXTRA CREDIT -  Virtually go and see the Marina Black show at the Catherine Edelman Gallery.
Use this link: https://bit.ly/3C2GedT
Write 3 full pages about the show and I will give you up to 3 points for it toward your final grade. 
1 page should be an overall review of the show as a whole and how you feel about / respond to it, etc.Next, pick 2 images from the show and write and analysis of the images, how you react to each one, why you like or dislike it, pros and cons, what draws you to them, pushes you away, etc. One page per image.
Please put jpegs of the images you are writing about on a separate 4th page of the document. It is to be submitted as a Word document, Times New Roman font 12 point.
On a 5th page, if you provide written answers to the below questions about the HowiArt Experience, I’ll apply one extra point.
This is a platform that is being developed, please expand on the following: 
What works and doesn’t work for you regarding this kind of virtual experience? 
If this were available from other museums / galleries would you use it in order to see new work? 
What are your thoughts on the way that you can virtually interact with the space and the work? 
Is the information available to you in this interface well organized and helpful to you? Why or why not? 
Did you view it on a desktop or on a mobile phone/ tablet or Oculus? 
Anything that wasn’t asked that is worth mentioning? 


Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Marina Black Show at The Catherine Edelman Gallery
Many photographers’ work exposes their intention from the first glance. Then there are photographers like Marina Black, whose photos gradually reveal themselves, allowing the spectator to interpret them in various ways. One of Black’s key influences is Goya’s The Disasters of War, which many have seen as a protest against violence and the public’s complicity. Children are the subjects of her series (expected chance), exploring fear, joy, trauma, and innocence (Braun et al. 186). The sanitized assumptions of childhood are replaced. The sanitized childhood beliefs are returned in the Blacks’ world with the reality that children’s innocence can be lost if they are not protected. “I am interested in researching the complexity of the childhood environment, as well as how vulnerable youngsters might be to mental and physical ailments,” she says. While childhood is full of delight, it also contains bullies, strangers, loneliness, and disputes that must be resolved.” Marina Black shows images of everyday activities – dancing, soccer, children swimming – that appear conventional until wires, ropes, and other things hide reality and the identity of persons featured in Hasard Anticipé. Black encourages viewers to create their own stories while implying that innocence is a prize to be earned and should not be taken for granted.
Experimentation and the physical process of changing the surface are central to Marina Black’s photography. She works with analog, digital, and camera-less technologies and enjoys the tactile characteristics of prints and working with fragments, which frequently transport her to new locations. “Inspired by Goya’s Disasters of War, images from the series Hasard Anticipé may be associated with a variety of internal and external conflicts,” she writes.
“It feels like portraying children rather than adults magnifies childhood worries and wounds.” I appreciate the tension they generate, which is suggestive of both tenderness and harshness simultaneously. I am interested in learning more about the intricacies of childhood and how vulnerable children are to mental and physical harm. While childhood is full of joy, it also contains bullies, strangers, loneliness, and problems that must be dealt with. “I like to undermine the sanitized concept of children as innocent beings, separate from and oblivious of ambition for power and control, by combining all of these elements.” The visuals, which are populated mainly by teenagers, depict terrible forces that resemble spirits or villains from childhood dreams, or worse – the incarnations, which exist within our brains and may never fully grow.”
There was a period when children relished the opportunity to be children. Even at a young age, some youngsters engage in adult activities, which can have significant implications. Children are active in economic activities and bear a burden of responsibility for their families in various regions worldwide (Braun et al. 187).
Marina Black; While you held me, 2015,
Youth can best be described as a stage in one’s life transitioning from childhood dependency to adult freedom. As a result, youth is more diverse than older age groups. However, age is the most obvious way to classify this group whenever it comes to school and work. However, age is the term “youth” is usually used to refer to a person between the ages of finishing compulsory education and starting their first business. The youth-populated image indicates sinister forces analogous to spirits or villains from childhood fantasies, or worse – the incarnations, which exist inside our thoughts and may never fully develop (Mallan et al. 256).
Now well into the new millennium, our culture has realized severe challenges affecting the youth (Mallan et al. 257). Some concerns have always existed, but new impediments have started to emerge in the public’s perception. Households with only one parent may face these issues. Sin...
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