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How light and shadow could be used as building materials in architecture

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(an example can be moire patterns in building surfaces or the way pattern can have a program that become superficial)

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How light and shadow could be used as building materials in architecture
There is no need for defining natural light; however, what one needs to remember is that natural light allows people to define what is around them, by night and by day: the altering perception of the bodies or things on which it impacts, as well as the space that contains them. Generally, natural light or its absence could also transform this space in every moment, every day of the year, every season and every hour (Johnson 17). There are various ways in which light and shadow can be employed as material in architecture. When effective applied, these two elements can greatly change the ways that space is perceived, and they can as well as alter the reading of space in architecture. In this paper, the purpose is to provide a detailed and comprehensive discussion of how shadow and natural light can be used as building material in architecture. The relationship between architecture and light takes place unavoidably; at times unconsciously, and other times consciously.
Goldyn (3) stated that it is possible to build architecture using natural light and shadow. Even though these two are natural elements, they could be transformed, shaped and coaxed in production of human experience. Architecture does not lie within the physical form of work, rather, architecture lies in the human experience that is gained and stimulated from the work. As utilized in architecture, light is perceived, indirectly, through reflecting surfaces. Light, in essence, serves to chase darkness away, and in the process it creates shadows, which in turn frame the pools of light; darkness is never far away (Portela 19). It is of note that the history of architecture could be depicted as the narrative of how day and sunlight enter into building structures and then reveal through shadow the spatial forms and composition within. Sunlight basically enables the form and space of architecture to alter. Through shadow and natural light, architecture obtains shape and meaning. In essence, light will reveal the contours of the building, whereas shadow will reveal the building’s depth (Ritchie 13). Light is regarded as the architectural material through which one can best understand the nature of objects, colors, surface and space.
It is important that architects picture the spaces which they are creating with both feeling as well as knowledge of how sunlight would change them during daytime, and how artificial light has to be designed either to support this, or to create a totally dissimilar environment. Lighting designers have to, at all times, work with the sun – nature’s own light pen – as the foundation for lighting compositions (Steane 22). Natural light is very dynamic, to be manipulated, tamed and framed, or left free by both lighting designer and architect. This implies that architects have to work with lighting designers on similar conceptual wavelength. Design teamwork with professional and skillful partners is not only a pleasure, but also a requirement. Lighting designers who are good are vital to the architectural design team (Ritchie 43).
Dark and light patterns affect not only the perception of people of the environment, but also their physiological and emotional responses, and hence they are important in gathering information regarding the physical surroundings. Lighting that is poor quality could be bewildering and uncomfortable, and could also restrain visual performance. On the other hand, lighting that is of good quality could support interpersonal communication and visual performance, and enhance people’s feelings of well-being (Vassella 86). Overall, the purpose of lighting is basically to meet the requirements of the people. The lighting designer’s task is to match and rank the requirements of individuals utilizing the space with the environmental as well as financial considerations, and the architectural goals. The lighting designer should then translate the results into both a practical design and functional installation. The significance of lighting cannot be understated; lighting makes visible all the objects, things and the architecture. It influences the well-being of people, as well as the aesthetic effect and the mood of an area or a room. An individual’s perception of architecture is influenced by light since: lighting creates impressions of a space; lighting creates links and defines one room/area from another one; it emphasizes and expands a room/area; and it defines boundaries and zones (Zhao 31).
According to Louis Kahn, a building’s plan has to be read like a harmony of spaces of light. Even spaces which are meant to be dark need to have just sufficient lighting from some mysterious opening that will tell one how dark the space really is. Spaces must be defined by their structures, as well as the character of their natural lighting (Goldyn 22). Consequently, the lighting as a source is usually hidden behind secondary walls or louvers, therefore focusing attention on the effect of the light, rather than the origin of the light. The oddness of shadow is also considered to evoke both awe and silence. Kahn observed that whilst darkness will evoke the uncertainty of being unable to see, of possible dangers, darkness will also inspire deep mystery. As such, it is up the architects to evoke silence, drama with light and shadow; to make a treasury of shadows (Johnson 11).
Daylight basically adds to the overall level of light whenever it is available, and it also adds to those other environmental factors like variety ...
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