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Jacques Lipchitz's' Songs of the Vowels' sculpture of 1931 in MOMA Museum

Essay Instructions:

Make a visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, or MOMA. The goal is to locate a work of art produced between 1900 and 1945 that sparks curiosity or attraction on your part and makes you want to learn more about it. Why do you find it compelling? Is the artist one of your influences or someone new to you? Your choice of artwork could be a painting, sculpture, photograph, drawing, or print—the only criteria is that it was produced between 1900 and 1945.
After you have selected a work of art that interests you for this project, you should spend some time looking at it. How much do you see? Take note of all its physical characteristics. After you have gotten to know the object thoroughly, then you will want to inform you vision by doing some research. Begin to collect information about the artist and the piece you have selected for study. Your visual observations and you research are the basis of your short paper—3-4 pages, double-spaced, plus a short bibliography (with 2-3 reference sources).
Here’s how to think about developing your short research paper. One part should be devoted to analyzing the work from a formal perspective. What are the artwork’s physical qualities? What is its size? What materials were used to produce it? What can you tell by looking at it? Analyze the artist’s techniques and what you can discover or observe about the process of making the artwork. What are the compositional strategies? What about the style, and any other physical properties you can observe.
You should also consider the subject matter. For representational or figurative art you should think about the following: What narratives or stories might be at play? What’s the mood or attitude? What moment is being portrayed? Is it dramatic or mundane? What other kinds of information circulate in the art? How does the particular work you’ve chosen compare to the artist’s other works? Was it produced early in the artist’s career or at a mid-point or late in their practice? Does this work quote, or reference, or pay homage to another artwork? If the work you select is abstract, other criteria come into play—particularly the formal characteristics and what the artist has to say about their work and what field of influences inform the work. Your scholarship can inform your perception—the more you know, the more you see. You should also mention why you chose the particular work and what attracted you to it.
Me: I want to choose this work which is in Moma museum, don's need to go to museum, I have website and you can find any works here.
Click" on view"
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Modern Art
Artists have contributed to creating modern culture, styles, paintings, drawings, and lifestyles. Various artists in the nineteenth century made unique visual artistic elements before, during, and after the world war. Different drawings, paintings, sculptures, and artwork have existed in the MOMA museum for various periods from ancient times to the modern era. One of the most inspiring sculptors of the 19th century is Jacques Lipchitz. Lipchitz used poetry to express literary and artistic themes by employing symbolic images and values. In modern art, Lipchitz is portrayed as an important figure in the design and development of quality sculptures. His work brought liberation to sculpture from the traditional views and perspectives to the modern sense of quality art element. One of his convincing artworks is the ‘Song of the Vowels’ sculpture. The sculpture reveals Lipchitz's different forms and styles in expressing poetic aspects and themes through images. The paper analyzes Jacques Lipchitz's' Songs of the Vowels' sculpture of 1931, found in the MOMA museum.
Lipchitz emerges as one of the cubists who created curvilinear forms with futurist aspects embedded in them. From its view, the Song of the Vowels sculpture has unique physical qualities that make the creator's work quality. The sculpture is sturdy and tall, built more carefully after proper preparations. The sculpture is also viewed to have the physical quality of a lyrical expansion strain. The model is in bronze, portraying its quality and improved physical appearance. The size of the Song of the Vowels sculpture in terms of dimensions is (37x26x14 cm), created with bronze material (Lipchitz). By looking at the sculpture, it is evident that the creator used creativity and unique style in making the model due to its seemingly complex structure. The sculpture has a base, curved stem with complex structures on the top.
Link: /collection/works/80793?artist_id=3563&page=1&sov_referrer=artist
The artist applied the cubism technique to create the sculpture, a language that desires to portray specific human interests using images and models. Through symbolism, the transformation of Lipchitz’s developments took place and enhanced the creation of the highlighted sculpture. The will of man and the supernatural forces were at the sculpture's center. The sculpture was named Song of the Vowels by Lipchitz, having derived the name from a legendary prayer used by the Egyptian priests to summon up the forces of nature (Radford). Most of the artwork was a revelation and progress from the previous artwork he h...
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