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Impression and Key Issues Depicted in Social Protest Slideshow

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Discussion on a Social Protest Slideshow
The first impression that this long series of social protest images are of "a highly realistic portrayal of society" is that these images provide a realistic glimpse of the social problems and events in the United States and other countries between January 2020 and January 2021. This series of approximately 1500 images provides a kaleidoscopic view of modern American society as it exposes virtually all aspects of social life, ranging from social, communal, racial, sexual, economic issues to issues of violence against a specific community. Furthermore, this display briefs the reader about all social and economic events that occurred in America in the given period in a succinct and to-the-point way, using suitable and relevant images. Therefore, the entire display can be summarized in one sentence: "it is a meticulous, succinctly detailed, sequentially chronological, suitably graphic and amusing portrayal of the socio-economic undercurrents of the American society in the scenario of Covid-19 pandemic.
As far as the framing of images of this series is concerned, all images reflect professional and targeted press photography that substantially highlights the aims and objectives of the activities the activists show. These images capture the essence of each activity by exposing the nature, type, and relevant people involved in them, providing the least details of the irrelevant objects. However, throughout the image catalog, one image stands out as it is framed exquisitely and timely to expose the underlying irony of the situation. This image is of ex-U.S. President Donald Trump's news conference, which he held on February 26, 2020, to discuss the health scenario in the U.S. during the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. During this presser, President Trump, in the presence of members of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Anne Schuchat, and Secretary Alex Azar, attempts to explain the seemingly satisfactory health situation in the country. This image is an exceptional work of art as it was taken while the president was informing the journalists about the low level of the spread of the virus in America and boasting, "Because of all we've done, the risk to the American people remains very low" (Social Protest Slide Show 24)
However, the real art of this image is the timing of its framing as it shows graphic details that utterly contradict the self-satisfactory statement being made by Trump during the presser. As one can see from the facial expressions, aptly captured by the photographer, Trump, while chanting the well mantra, reflects his innermost apprehensions. Thus, this brilliant and timely framing successfully captures contradiction in his statement and his feeling. Moreover, this frame also shows his hand gesture, revealing a sense of urgency and uncertainty. Most notably, the reactions of the officials standing behind Trump are an evident reminder of the stark contrast that his statement makes with the ground reality. Their facial expressions seem like they are offended by Trump's deliberate misinterpretation of reality and facts.
In terms of photos depicting civil disobedience conducted by citizens, the protest made by the people of Colorado held in April 2019 is the most striking and prominent example of civil obedience (Social Protest Slide Show 40). This protest was made against the state's order that compelled the citizens to stay at home and imposed several social distancing restrictions. Though the step was taken to curb the uncontrollable spread of the coronavirus, people's negative response to it manifests an elaborate example of blatant violation of state laws. The protest was staged at Colorado State Capital, and as can be seen from the photo, protesters, while violating the rules of social distancing, display placards, chant slogans, and make close body contacts. Moreover, almost all of them are not wearing masks which is a grave risk considering the presence of a highly infectious viral strain in the air. Since such a gathering is a deliberate attempt to jeopardize public life and openly violates all the precautions set to curb the spread of the virus, this photo represents a remarkable digression of public health law and, thus, stands out of all other images.
The photograph featuring a sex worker revealing her private part during a Slut Walk conducted in December 2020 in Miami Beach, Florida, is not only a reflection of the demands of the sex workers regarding the criminalization of their profession but also a bold attempt to break free of the stereotypical norms and customs of society (Social Protest Slide Show 105). Revealing private parts in a public demonstration, especially in front of the camera, is indeed an act of unmatchable boldness and bespeaks the commitment and courage of the demonstrator towards attaining her legal rights. By violating society's otherwise ethical code of conduct, the protestor strongly tells the so-called custodians of social morals and ethics about their intention. This seemingly ethically unacceptable or undesirable act demonstrates the protesters' demand to grant equality to the profession of sex workers and respect their preferences.
Moreover, the placard that the protester holds summarizes their demand that they have the right to use their body the way they want. This blatant display of self and violation of social norms of a protest makes this photograph entirely prominent among the rest of the photographs. Since this type of protest is different from other protests that involve violence and physical fights, this display of private parts is a manifestation of a relatively peaceful demand of the sex worker. However, despite being peaceful, this type of protest is more disturbing to the eyes of many instead of the routine images of violent protest available in the rest of the slideshow. Therefore, these attributes make it the most outstanding image of the catalog.
As for the similarities among all these images, it can be affirmed with surety that these images share similarities at several levels. For instance, most of these images are related to public protest...
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