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Hip Hop in Los Angeles Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Choose to study a particular musical culture/sub-culture in the LA. You may want to photograph, video or tape-record your study. How does the musical culture/sub-culture relate to the rest of the L.A./Orange County area? What types of people belong/don’t belong in this culture? What is the music/ritual like? Is there a particular dress, singing style, and location? Use culture studies from your texts as models.

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Hip Hop in Los Angeles
Los Angeles, California is one of the most eminent cities in the world homing the film industry and the music culture as well. The best and most affluent music record labels such as Capitol records are based in Los Angeles. Music dates almost five decades back starting with the surfer rock in early 1960s, laurel canyon folk in 70s, sunset strip rock between the 80s and 90s, west coast rap of 80s to 2000 then the nu metal and followed. For the purpose of this essay, am writing on the hip hop music culture, its correlation with other music genres in orange county and the style.
Hip Hop music is traced back in West Bronx started by DJ Herc who used a turntable to stretch drum beats in songs leading to one of the most popular and influential music cultures CITATION Bla19 \l 1033 (Blanchard). Hip pop music has four elements that can be termed to comprise the ritual of the music genre, the major components are DJ, b-boying, graffiti/visual art and rapping/MC-ing. These constituents can be used independently thus attracting individual audience, artists and commercial elements. The origin of hip hop in South and West Bronx used the elements connectively leading to the hip hop culture as it is known now CITATION Hip08 \l 1033 (Hip-Hop Culture).
DJ-ing or referred to as turntablism is probably the first element of rap music and involves turntable manipulation from simple music to a musical instrument that is all out including an array of sounds such as scratches, samples-which are bits from other music, sonic cuts and temporally engineered tones CITATION Hip08 \l 1033 (Hip-Hop Culture). There is no ethnicity directly connected to this element but it is believed to have originated in South Bronx, a creation of DJ Herc who innovatively stretched drums on a song using a turntable CITATION Bla19 \l 1033 (Blanchard).
B-boying also described to as breakdancing is a type of body response to the isolations of ‘break’ beats by the DJ on vinyl records. The break refers to as the part of the song where a song is broken down to the most primarily percussive component. During the original hip hop parties, the b-boys brake during the looping and isolation of the break beats. Hip pop is centralized in this isolation of beats and dancing, it reflects the drumming power connected to the African-American and African cultures. Next is the MC-ing aspect.
MC is verbal go-between in the hip hop music culture also known as the hype man, the DJs most of the time did the work of MC in the initial days of the music culture and it has now moved to the poets, rappers in the genre and MCs who are not necessarily operating the turntable in hip hop revels. Rap started out as a commentary on the ability of a DJ while records were being played in hip hop occasions. The MCs use the same technique used by African American DJs who would introduce artists and songs that had a spontaneous rhyme, this way the rhymes leaped over from the end of one song to the beginning of the next.
In the 1970s there was a decline in support of arts and music and this led to the poor youths adopting an alternative outlet for their artistic skills, the graffiti. The youths would draw art using spray paints on walls of public utilities which has been viewed as a reclamation move. Even though it predates the hip hop music genre it has been used together with other elements of the music culture making it hard to separate from the genre. The connection can be accounted to the fact that hip hop dominated among the Latin America and African A...
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