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Depiction of Current Societal Issues and Life in the Movies Us and Parasite

Essay Instructions:

This paper is a thesis-driven analysis of two films in this class, focusing on one filmic element that illuminates your argument. The paper should have an introduction, a body and conclusion.

For this paper, you are asked to:

Identify two films, at least one of which we have watched this semester (and not a film you wrote about for your first paper), that address some problem, question, set of generic expectations or theme in common. For example, both Citizen Kane and Marie Antoinette address the acute differences between the private and public life of famous people. Or, both Us and Parasite are thriller films that also seem interested in making arguments about the real world in which we live. Etc. Identifying the pairing that interests you is the first step of your preparing to write your paper. So far, however, you have only a topic and not a thesis and would be able to write only a descriptive compare-and-contrast paper. This paper, however, is to be a thesis-driven paper – you are making an argument, then backing up your claims with solid evidence from the texts you’re analyzing. Which brings us to …

the next step: you must focus on the decisions the filmmakers make in each of your two films in terms of their cinematic choices, focusing on one major category of cinematic choices that each uses differently: editing, sound, production design or an element of the production design, cinematography, narrative structure (screenwriting), or acting/casting.

So, for example, we might think about how while Vertigo and Blow Out share some larger thematic concerns about ‘unknowability,’ their very different choices in terms of production design (say, focusing on set design) or lighting or [fill in the blank] shows us how they ultimately are making very different points about this fundamental problem of the human condition. Now, and only now, will you be ready to propose a thesis, one that is based on thinking through the ways two films you identify as sharing some similar engagements do different work because of the cinematic choices the filmmakers make. Your thesis will specify exactly what contrasting cinematic choices the two groups of filmmakers made, and exactly what different perspectives on the two films’ shared engagements these choices create.

It should go without saying that this paper requires you to be attentive to filmic evidence in support of your argument throughout, and to be effective your paper must include a close reading of a scene or sequence from each film that fully illuminates this difference. A paper based solely or mostly on plot analysis is not demonstrating your understanding of film vocabulary and does not satisfy this prompt. Your argument must be grounded in the films and demonstrate how their elements support your claims. You can (and should) very briefly summarize the narrative of each film, but your analysis should be grounded in filmic elements rather than just narrative.

You are not required to use outside sources for this paper, and if you are taking a strictly formalist approach you might not want to. However, many questions you could be interested in might make you want to learn more about something outside of the film (historical context, history of a genre, biography of a director, etc.) Remember to properly cite (citation system of your choice, but be consistent and thorough) all sources that help you learn what you need to know to present your case effectively and with authority.

NOTE: As indicated above, at least one of the two films in your pairing must be from the films we have screened for the class. There is the option to include one film from outside our class, if it is first cleared by your TA at least 2 weeks before the paper is due. The email proposal for an outside film must include a brief explanation of the pairing you are excited to explore. In addition, you will in your paper need to be especially careful to provide the information necessary for a reader unfamiliar with film to fully follow your reading.

Because you’re doing a lot of stuff in this essay, it would be a very good idea here to think about the ‘pre-production’ of your essay – an outline. If you have X things you need to accomplish, and Y amount of space to accomplish them in, then it’s crucial that each of those things you want to accomplish is given enough space. For instance, if you have three central claims you want to make/back up, you shouldn’t be using 60% of your space on one of them, leaving only 40% of your space for the other two. This will weaken your argument by making those other two points look less important.

In addition, you should be thinking very explicitly about how your paper flows – just as it’s important for a film to flow together in order to be understandable to an audience, so must an essay be. So think about how you’re getting from point A to point B, then from B to C, etc. Remember that with this essay, YOU are the expert and you have to guide your audience through your argument in a clear and concise way.

Choose at least one from: Knives Out, City of God, Blow Out, Shaun of The Dead, Inception, Citizen Kane, Moonlight, Parasite, Marie Antoinette, Vertigo, Us.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Movie Analysis
Movies have the tendency or power to shed light on community issues and the happenings in the real world. Films can give viewers more varying perspectives on society than they are used to, allowing them to expand their horizons and consider issues in new ways. In addition, they can provide insight into the lives and cultures of other people by offering a new perspective on how individuals in other societies live. Movies can also teach about different social orders that significantly differ from those of a particular group. Films can reach large audiences, inspire transformations, and engage audiences while reflecting on society. Positive change is made possible by social dramas because they bring people together through shared humanity and responsibility. US and Parasite are interesting films that shed light on the real-world circumstances that people live in, although the issues often go unnoticed. Therefore, this paper will examine the two movies and highlight how they depict current societal issues and life.
There are numerous prevalent movie themes, including those about society as a whole. That is the area of focus for US 2019's attention. The US serves as a warning to society, written by Jordan Peele. It advises viewers to alter their course of action or else what they see could be them. The repressed return is the central theme of all horror films. They force viewers to confront their buried anxieties and demons by bringing them to light. In the US, Peele takes things further by putting the audience's faces on what they have hidden (Jeffries 288). Not only as individuals but also as a nation, he forces viewers to confront the guilt they have suppressed. We and the United States, or the United States of America, are both mentioned in the title. The US is an example of disparity, whereas Get Out was a representative terror intended to provoke reflection on race. There are two Americas in this tale. In addition, even though viewers initially believe that Adelaide, a middle-class woman, is the heroine and that her Tethered Red is the monster, the movie's conclusion demonstrates that this perception is far from the case (Jeffries 288).
The film depicts a society of haves and have-nots. There are two distinct groups of individuals who are identical in every way. While the other caste is doomed to wander through tunnels, one group gets to lead a contented life and exercise control (Jeffries 288). There are many ways to interpret this. It provides commentary on rich versus poor or majority versus minority groups. It is fun to read into the US movie because Jordan Peele, the director and writer, has kept quiet about any single explanation (Olafsen 20). The movie can be interpreted in multiple ways, but in the end, it narrows down to the privileged and underprivileged. People do not have shadows of themselves that wander the tunnels. However, if the circumstances had been different, someone out there might have had another person's life.
The actions of the wealthy do not simply exist in isolation. The film director showcases how the tethered imitate their counterparts' actions in the US. The tethered wraith moves around as if people are on a rollercoaster rather than a ride (McEntee 46). Even if others are unaware, the actions of those in positions of authority have an effect. With the Adelaide revelation, this concept of who holds power takes its full form. Powerful individuals like to believe they are unique. They might want to think that their merits helped them get into a good university. They perceive they were offered a good job because they are naturally more skilled than others. However, as US demonstrates to the audience, there is not much that differentiates those in positions of power from those who do not serve similar roles (Olafsen 20).
The repressed force that emerges at the end of most horror films is re-repressed when the hero defeats the monster and cathartically eliminates the audience's fear. However, the real monsters are not the poor, tethered with scissor arms bent on killing their above-ground counterparts (McEntee 46). Instead, they are the greatest of all victims. The evil here is that someone has been relegated to the miserable underground less-than-life. In a similar perspective, the film points out to the audience that, even though other individuals may appear different, those differences are merely superficial and result from distinct experiences. Generally, people are all the same and complicit in mistreating others.
There is probably an economically disadvantaged person who would have been the CEO of a business if they were born into better circumstances. In other words, they could have achieved much more in life if they had been raised by wealthy parents. They would have had the connections and higher-quality education needed to move up the...
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