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Concert Critiques and Musical Styles

Essay Instructions:

Choosing a Concert. Observe a live concert of your choice. It does not have to be a classical-style concert; however, you should be able to follow the critique guidelines below, regardless of the musical style.

Concert Critique Guidelines

Context. Give the background and general performance information.

Impressions. The most important part of your review should consist of your individual perspectives on the component parts of the entire performance.

Likert-type Scale Rating. Using a Likert-type scale rating from 1 (lowest) to 100 (highest), rank the performance based on the overall quality, personal enjoyment, setting, etc.

Performance Qualities.

Write one paragraph (3-4 sentences) about each piece or movement performed.

List the title/composer and write brief historical notes.

Using the knowledge that you gained in this course, explain the strengths and weaknesses of each performance.

Include three musical aspects (melody, rhythm, harmony, form, expression/dynamics)

Response. How did the audience react to each piece in the performance?

Programs. To what extend did the printed programs help you with this critique?

Additional Aspects.

When/Where did the work premier? (Ex: 1891, London England, Queen’s Court)

Was the original performance considered to be a success or a failure? Explain.

Were the performance pieces considered standard repertory today? Or, were they obscure?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
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Course Title
Concert Critiques and Musical Styles
Concerts are live musical performances up in front of listeners. The presentation may be brought forward by one person, or even by a troupe that is of choral music or even a quartet or a sextet. There are, therefore, different types of performances that can be done, and they are all intended to pass a particular message to the audience. The performance can be comic, and some can be played to pass a particular message to the audience. So, music concerts give the audience the first hand of getting the performers to play live.
One concert I admire to date is The Marriage of Figaro by Wolfgang Mozart. It is a comic opera which was a staged comedy during those days. It is in four acts contrived in 1786 and written in an Italian score by Lorenzo Da Ponte. It first premiered at Burgtheater in Vienna on 1st May 1786. The opera's script is based on a stage play by Beaumarchais, which is basically "The Marriage of Figaro."
The marriage of Figaro is about Figaro, a servant of Count Almaviva, who is about to tie the knot with Susanna, the Countess's maid. So, it is a story of one cheerful couple who want to get married and another miserable and already in marriage. And not acting like so. It begins with Figaro measuring the size of a room for a bed. Nevertheless, Susanna is worried that it is close to the Counts' chamber.
Concert Critiques and Musical Style
Beaumarchais's Marriage of Figaro was at first dismissed in Vienna. The then Emperor stated that the script contained offensive acts. Furthermore, he wanted Mozart to be responsible for the play and the impression it made. Nevertheless, later, Mozart managed to maneuver his ways and came up with an opera version which became a success.
The Mozart Overture brings out various instruments like horns, trumpets, flutes, clarinets. These instruments play a vital role in the play, and one can distinguish like the octets playing, signifying various themes and rhythms of the opera. How the contrivance intertwining back and forth is fascinating too. Another feature in Mozart's Marriage of Figaro is the speed of the music. The tempo that Mozart...
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