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Classical Hollywood Cinema

Essay Instructions:

Cinema as an Art Form:

The paper will cover chapters from American Cinema/American Culture, 5th edition by John Belton

and films during the genre period, when films no longer were a novelty, but rather a finely crafted art form, whose creators could shape public opinion and change the tide of American culture.

Should be at least 825 words, typed and double spaced in MLA format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Classical Hollywood Cinema Classical Hollywood Cinema is a term referring to the evolution of cinema that occurred in the 1920s and progressed through the 1960s. Ever since the dawn of cinema, there have been significant attempts to transform cinema with the goal of improving the representation and allusion of reality. As a result, the classical Hollywood era was marked by unique attributes that sought to maximize the experience that people derived from cinema. The major transformation that occurred during this era was to present cinema into an art. This paper analyzes the classical cinema as an art and discusses how this transformation of cinema had an impact on the industry. The unique attribute of art is that it always seeks to appeal to the visual and feeling of the audience. Cinema as art, therefore, views the classical cinema as an evolution in cinema that sought to suppress the traditional cinema style by incorporating some elements of reality to make it lively (Belton 132). According to Bordwell, the narrative form of cinema that emanated in this era had a unique attribute of clear-cut distinctions that magnified the elements of reality in the film (16). Unlike the traditional forms of narration that had been used in the film, film editors started editing films on stage with the goal of creating elements of realism. Traditionally, the film editors had marked elements with writings for purposes of readability. However, in early 1910 and after that, they started manipulating time and space to win and maintain the attention of the audience for a lively experience. Classical Hollywood Cinema had a unique style of winning the attention of the audience. Bordwell discusses some unique attributes of this style. One of the unique attributes is that it uses the protagonist to create an element of style. The protagonist in Classical Hollywood Cinema is goal-oriented to maintain psychological motivation and causal effect on the audience. The narrative style in this era also transformed how the filmmakers viewed the industry — films produced in 1913 and after that started using protagonists that struggled to solve real-world problems. An example is The Birth of a Nation, a film that echoed the events of the pre-Second World War. It sought to motivate the audience by thriving on real events that were taking place in society. For instance, it was possible to have a protagonist dealing and handling real-life challenges that people in society were facing. This is an art as it makes the audience establish the relationship with the protagonist and follow to see whether he win...
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