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Characterization of Linda Loman in Death of a salesman by Arthur Miller

Essay Instructions:
Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller. It needs to 3 pages in length and double spaced. Use at least 2 sources (beyond the play itself) for references. Do not use Wikipedia, Bookjrags, SparkNotes, etc.Be sure to have a correct works cited page. You will need to use quotes from the play to support your ideas. Do not use too many quotes. Remember—we learn about a character by what a character does, what a character says, and what others say about the character. SUGGESTIONS FOR ORGANIZING IDEAS - Organize around central traits or major characteristics - Organize around a character's growth or change. (Avoid merely retelling the story.) - Organize around qualities of a flat character or characters. (Consider defects that prevent the character from developing.) Remember, you must write this essay in the third person, avoiding the use of “I” and “you”. Make the play the focus of the essay, not yourself. Make sure you mention in the introduction of your essay the author and title (plays are put in italics) of the play that you are analyzing. As you discuss this play in your essay, remember not to confuse the narrator as the author; they are two entirely different individuals. Do not write a plot summary or a review; this kind of writing will jeopardize your grade. - Page length: Your essay must be 3 typed, double-spaced pages. - Audience: Assume your audience is freshman college English students and that they have read the work you are discussing- - Purpose: The purpose of the essay is to interpret and to explain using outside sources. - SAE: Remember, your paper must follow the basic conventions of standard American written English (correct mechanics, usage, grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and so forth). Be sure to use the present tense whenever you discuss the fictional events in the story. QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER FOR THE CHARACTER ESSAY: Don't attempt to answer all these questions but use one or more to develop your interpretation. - Is the major trait of your character a strength or weakness? - Does what appears to be a good trait become a weakness later in the play? - What details in the story---circumstances, actions, or appearances---show the primary traits of the character? - Is the character round (dynamic)? How does the character learn from, change with, or adjust to circumstances? - Is the character the protagonist or antagonist and what is the conflict between protagonist and antagonist? - If the character is minor, what is his or her function in the story? Do you consider this character a stereotype, and does he/she rise above the stereotype? How? - In what way do other characters act as foils or help you understand this character? - How does the narrator judge or reveal the character? - How does the character look at himself or herself? - Do you consider this character realistic, believable, and consistent? - How do the character traits relate to the story's theme? - Do the character's traits reveal why the person helps or hinders other characters? - What do we learn from the success or from the failure and suffering of the character?
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Characterization of Linda Loman in
Death of a salesman by Arthur Miller
Grade Course
Tutor`s Name
(18, 06, 2011)
Overview of the play
Death of a salesman by Arthur Miller is a revolutionary play performed first in 1949 on Broadway. The play is a sarcastic story of an old man entangled in various family relations. The story encompasses irony of being an American national and how a man is forced to commit suicide in a hard phase of his life. Play encompasses a broader human nature and feelings, his attitudes towards success and failures of life, changes that takes place as one passes through various stages of life and how one takes on his responsibilities. (Royal Lyecum Theatre company).
Characterization of Linda Loman
Story revolves around a central character William Loman, however role of Linda Loman cannot be under-emphasized. Linda Loman is the wife of Willey Loman. A kind and affectionate woman who believes that one`s happiness is hidden in giving happiness to others. Linda is a woman who loves her family more than anything. She expresses her love for Willey at different instants in the play.
For example, the saying "Willy, darling, you`re the handsomest man in the world..." and "Just try to relax, dear. You make mountains out of molehills" depict her concern and strong love for Willey Loman. And also "He`s the dearest man in the world to me, and I won`t have anyone making him feel unwanted and low and blue" shows her strong affection for Willey.
Linda is always available for her husband whenever he needs her. She supports him, caress him and she does everything she can to relax his mind. In Wiley`s bad times, Linda is the only one who truly understands the miseries of her husband and one who loves him the way he is. As she says, "Willy Loman never made a lot of money. His name was never in the paper. He`s not the finest character that ever lived. But he`s a human being, and a terrible thing is happening to him. So attention must be paid. He`s not to be allowed to fall into his grave like an old dog but understanding wife."
Another important part of Linda`s character is her vigilance towards their liabilities. Time and again she reminds her husband of how much they owe to others Well, there`s nine-sixty for the washing machine. And for the vacuum cleaner there`s three and a half due on the fifteenth. Then the roof, you got twenty-one...
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