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The Café Hit Sequence of Howard Hawks' Movie "Scarface"

Essay Instructions:

For the second paper, please have screened the film you wrote about for the first paper (Scarface, Howard Hawks, 1932) and write a three-page paper (without citation page): select a sequence from your chosen film that you think is particular significant in terms of how it uses cinematic resources to tell its story or make its thematic points and analyze that sequence in depth.

Make sure the paper is on Howard Hawks's 1932 filmed movie "Scarface" not the renewed one in 1982. Thank you!

Below I have attached detailed instructions also feedback from paper one, please check! The feedback is pretty good! and You wrote a welldone paper! Thank you so much!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Café Hit Sequence Analysis
Scarface is one of the 21st Century films that depict themes that are relevant in contemporary society. The movie is set in 1920s Chicago, and the protagonist, Tony, is an Italian migrant who uses violence to gain wealth and power. Tony and his boss, Jonny Lovo, are engaged in the sale of illegal liquor. Jonny orders Tony and Guino to attack the South gangs but warns them not to start a war with the Irish gangs under O’Hara’s leadership. The duo is involved in a shooting spree that kills several gang members, resulting in the death of innocent civilians. Tonny also ignores Lovo’s directive and attacks and shoots O’Hara alongside some members of his gang. The filmmaker utilizes various elements, including succession shots, body movements, music, camera movement, lighting, distancing and, interior and exterior views to build the movie scenes, tell the story and depict certain themes. One of the most remarkable sequences of events occurs in the café hit scenes in which Tony, Guino, Poppy, and Angelo are almost killed when Tom Gaffney’s men attack them at the Café.
The first scene of the café sequence adopts exterior framing of the café depicting events taking place in the building. The camera is focused on the entrance of the café, taking a medium shot of three men taking their drinks inside the café. The camera also takes a full shot of a man who appears to be the guard of the café. This scene portrays the theme of security in the 1920s. The restaurant had to be guarded to keep the customers, owners, and employees safe from potential attacks. In the same scene, three men Tony, Guino, Angelo, enter the café (Howard n.p). The filmmaker utilizes panning to show the trio’s movement as each of the men takes their seats in the café. Panning is a filming technique in which the camera moves from left to right and vice versa (Story Blocks n.p). It is useful in giving the viewer a sense of direction in the story. Tony walks to a table, greets a young lady (Poppy), and sits next to her before they begin a conversation. Guino and Angelo occupy a separate table behind Poppy.
At the table, a medium close-up shot focuses on the conversation between Poppy and Tony. The duo seems to have affection for each other, as demonstrated by their bod...
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