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Visual & Performing Arts
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AS 355 Visual and Performing Arts: Farewell My Concubine

Essay Instructions:

 Provide very brief details of film: title, director, producer, main actors, date. (Cite source). • Provide very brief plot synopsis (2 sentences at most). • Justify choice of particular scene briefly: significance to film as whole? How is the concept of the Gaze important to this film? • Analyze particular scene in terms of the (gendered) Gaze: who is looking? Who is being looked at? How does gender / identity affect the act of looking? Please also briefly discuss your position / identity (as far as you are willing to do so) as a viewer who looks (outside the frame at those within): how might this affect your response to watching those who watch / are watched? Essay basics • Provide thesis statement in introduction outlining your intended argument. • Be sure to define your terms: what do you mean by “the Gaze”, for example? Clear definitions help structure your argument and justify your examples, making for a better essay. • Provide clear examples from the scene in question to back up your thesis statement in the main body of your essay. Statements need to be backed up with proof. • Avoid too much descriptive summary of the film or scene’s content and focus on analysis: the how rather than the what. • Provide a conclusion to reiterate the main points of your analysis. • Use Chicago Style or MLA (be consistent and check Purdue Owl https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/ for format) and provide Works Cited for the film and secondary sources. Use of secondary research sources is STRONGLY encouraged. Be sure to cite carefully.) Wikipedia, IMDb or equivalents such as Baidu are NOT acceptable peer-reviewed academic sources: please avoid using, but if you do: CITE!! • Double space. 12 point font. Grading principles ~ You will be graded on the presentation of a clear thesis- argument, well-organized and solid body paragraphs with good examples to back up your points, a well-defended justification for choice of scene, and a strong conclusion. ~ Thoughtful analysis, clarity, and original ideas will be rewarded. Correct citations and careful proof-reading are essentials. Please do not employ or ask anyone else to write / edit your papers for you – it should be all your own work. Original ideas and thoughtful contributions are more important than correct grammar but careless proofreading is unnecessary (and annoying). ~ Use the essay guidelines as your basis.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
(Student’s name)
(Professor’s name)
Visual and Performing Arts
15 October 2017
Farewell My Concubine
The movie is based on a book that was written by Lilian Lee and the film’s story happened from 1925 to 1977 in Beijing. The protagonist in the story is a woman, but the lead role is taken by a male actor from Hong Kong named Leslie Cheung. Since he was a little boy, he has already started in the Beijing Opera training school. Cheng Deiyi lets go of his male identity to play the female roles in famous Beijing Operas. The other parts of the movie show how he adapts to femininity on stage and then eventually in real life.
The gaze is important in the story because during the denunciation scene when Cheng Deiyi was betrayed by everyone around him. He did not look elsewhere and just concentrated on what was happening. If he did not observe and listened, the people would get away with what he did. In addition, the one man who told the authorities about what he was doing also implied that he enjoyed portraying women in the opera. This is where the topic of gender identity comes in. Another demonstration of gender identity is the women who cross-dress for the purpose of transgression into the society had been forbidden for women. He states that a good example of this is Mulan that came out in 2009 (2014). It is a movie based on the Chinese legend about a female warrior named Hua Mulan, who dressed as a man to replace her father’s position in the military.
While Farewell My Concubine centers on the relationship of t...
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