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Analysis of Camille Pissarro and Marie Louise Elisabeth Vigee Le Brun's Arts

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Purpose: This midterm test requires you to make connections between course concepts and readings, lectures, discussions and activities. You will reflect on material covered in the first half of the term in your response. Your answers should include visual analysis, appropriate terminology, and historical/cultural context. Instructions:  1. Analyze and Contextualize the Work

Analyze the work provided: Camille Pissarro, The Boulevard Montmarte on a Winter Morning, 1897. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Explain how this work is representative of the period in which it was created. Reference both formal and contextual aspects in your response. Consider the following when crafting your response: • Contexts: Drawing upon the readings, lectures and course modules, what might be the artwork’s relationship to its historical or artistic context?  The purpose of this assignment is to connect this work with other works that we have covered in class, rather than doing specific research on this painting.
 • Visual Qualities: How does composition/form, material/ technique, and/or subject matter help to illustrate the historical or artistic context of the work?  
 • Terms and Names: What terms or key figures do you think are relevant to this work? Provide a definition or explanation. Please write in complete sentences. Write approximately 250 words and up to 500 words.  Your answer will be graded in terms of how well you contextualize the work according to material that we have covered in class! The purpose is not to do focused research on this work. Remember, you can refer to other works of art in your answer, but also be sure to explain how the works compare.  Your answer should be analytical rather than purely descriptive. Stronger answers will draw upon major stylistic, innovative, thematic changes and the appropriate terminology.2. Compare and Contrast (10 points): Compare and contrast ONE (1) of the following pairs of images, in order to demonstrate that you have absorbed, understood, and engaged with the material in your readings and lectures.  • There is no grade for identification; the images have been identified for you. • You will be graded on your comparative visual analysis of the works. • Your responses should discuss aspects of style and representation, along with considerations of the political, social, economic and/or other factors that may have affected the creation of each image in their respective contexts. • Your response should be a minimum of 400-600 words to a maximum of 1 full page of text. • Answer in full sentences and paragraphs. A)B)C)Benchmark Assignment The answer demonstrates a deep understanding of the material covered in the readings and lectures. The answer draws upon appropriate terminology and the historical/culture context of the work. Part 1: Analyze/Contextualize Image Answer demonstrates knowledge of course materials. Part 2: Compare/Contrast Objects Answer demonstrates knowledge of course materials. The answer compares and contrasts the objects and explains what makes each typical of its period and the world in which it was produced.

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Camille Pissarro and Marie Antoinette and her children
Question 1: Camille Pissarro, the Boulevard Montmartre on a winter morning, 1897 - contextual analysis
"The Boulevard Montmartre on a Winter Morning," by Camille Pissarro, was completed in 1897 and provided an essential peek into the Impressionist movement and the artist's career. As a famous work of the late nineteenth century, the painting reflects the period's historical and artistic context through its aesthetic attributes, subject matter, and link to other works in the art world.
"The Boulevard Montmartre on a Winter Morning," by Camille Pissarro, is firmly rooted in the legendary Impressionist movement that originated in France during the mid-nineteenth century. The Impressionists attempted to break free from established artistic traditions, instead adopting a revolutionary style that emphasized their themes' transitory and temporary elements (Elsaed 123). They attempted to capture their works' transitory effects of light, atmosphere, and movement, infusing them with an immediate sense of life and vibrancy.
In direct contrast to the rigid academic art of the time, Impressionism represented a radical departure. Artists like Pissarro rebelled against the established norms and techniques, opting for looser brushwork and a more spontaneous style. This shift in perspective allowed them to portray scenes with a heightened sense of energy and dynamism, as evidenced in Pissarro's depiction of the bustling Boulevard Montmartre (Elsaed 124). Furthermore, Pissarro's work resonates with other Impressionist masterpieces, such as Claude Monet's "Boulevard des Capucines" and Gustave Caillebotte's "Paris Street; Rainy Day." Each painting encapsulates the shared interest among Impressionists in portraying modern life and the transformation of cities during the era of rapid urbanization. The artists depicted bustling urban scenes, focusing on the interplay of light and atmosphere, and captured the essence of modernity.
Through their en plein air technique, the Impressionists sought to intimately connect with the changing world, embracing nature's immediacy and dynamic qualities. Pissarro's "The Boulevard Montmartre on a Winter Morning" echoes this spirit as he captures a winter morning's soft, diffused light, lending a sense of ambiance and atmosphere to the snow-covered boulevard.
Visual qualities
Pissarro's painting exemplifies the quintessential visual qualities of the Impressionist style, aligning with the movement's core principles. The composition reflects a looseness and spontaneity, as visible brushstrokes breathe life into the scene, accentuating the sense of movement and atmosphere (Elsaed 126). With the Boulevard Montmartre depicted diagonally, the viewer's gaze is irresistibly drawn into the bustling street, immersing them in the vibrant energy of modern urban life.
A symphony of vibrant and varied colors adorns the canvas, showcasing Pissarro's profound fascination with capturing the nuances of natural light. The soft, diffused light of the winter morning envelops the scene, casting delicate shadows on the snow-covered boulevard (Elsaed 122). This interplay of light and shadows imparts a palpable ambiance and atmosphere, transporting the viewer to that specific moment.
The painting's connection to the Impressionist movement is further strengthened by the evident en plein air technique. Like his fellow Impressionists, Pissarro ventured into the open air to paint directly from nature (Elsaed 125). This approach enabled him to seize the transient qualities of natural light and weather conditions, infusing the artwork with unparalleled authenticity and immediacy.
Pissarro's masterful execution of visual qualities in "The Boulevard Montmartre on a Winter Morning" reflects his commitment to the Impressionist ideals of capturing fleeting moments and celebrating the beauty of modernity. Through his loose brushwork, vibrant palette, and remarkable depiction of light and atmosphere, the artist invites viewers to experience the charm and...
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