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Aesthetics and Experience

Essay Instructions:


USE THE EXAMPLE OF PANORAMA AND PLANETARIUMS of immersive environments for this essay. In an essay, compare and contrast the two to analyze what distinguishes them and in what ways each is more or less successful than the other. Your essay should consider three or more of the following aspects for both examples you choose:

- physical and multisensory (touch, smile, sight, taste, and sound) experience of the audience in each environment;

- role of technologies in creating each environment;

- role(s) of narrative(s) (Narrive map: opening>Build up> Problem> Solution> End)in the audience experience of each environment;

- other aspects that you demonstrate are important to your analysis.

Organization and length

Organize your thoughts around a central argument that you present in your introduction. I recommend analyzing the two examples together and focusing on the similarities and differences in the ways each engages with the 3 aspects you discuss. Each idea should be treated in its own sentence. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Aesthetics and experience
Immersive environment give the audience one of the most exhilarating experiences. There is a chance to get involved with all the sensory attributes of the body and mind, without losing touch of the actual surroundings. The sensory attributes are referenced from the ability of the participants to feel in terms of touch, sight, smell, taste and the sound elements of their body. Some of the most recognized environments that give the audience such experiences are the panoramic exhibitions and the planetariums. The two environments offer the audience some intriguing experiences despite their differences. However it is their differences and similarities that make each of the environments created unique to the participants’ experience.
In light of the elements of physical and multisensory aspects of the panorama and planetarium there are some unique features. They both support the aspect of the participant experiencing the visual elements of the image that is being exhibited to them. However, due to the realistic nature of the planetarium environment, the participants can enjoy more immersive images. Where participants are looking at the solar system for example, it is possible for the audience to actually experience the element of movement of the stars and the planets within the space. In the panoramic views, the images though expansive on their representations, the images are still. As such, if the audience were enjoying images of the galaxies, they would only be in a position to see the objects in static positions at all time, until another image comes on. The two of them can also combine the element of sound to the sensory experiences of audience; however, the planetarium environment would still be more immersive relative to the fact that it can include motion in the images, while panoramic does not. Attributes such as smell, taste and touch of the images presented are not possible with the two as they lack the realism associated with these senses. As such, the planetarium environment can be said to be more immersive and even more memorable compared to the panoramic ones when images are considered. Videos on the other hand reverse the rankings and place the panoramic experience ...
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