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Strategy and Why it is Important

Essay Instructions:

Disc. Bd. #2 - What Is Strategy and Why Is It Important?

The five (5) tasks of strategic management are clear:

- Develop a strategic vision and business mission;

- Setting objectives;

- Crafting a strategy to achieve the objectives;

- Implementing and executing the strategy; and

- Evaluating performance, monitoring new developments, and initiating corrective action.

But, who does strategy -- the CEO? Only the CEO? The “upper” echelon? Line Department Managers? Staff Department Managers? Operational Unit Managers? Or, does everyone do it"? And what do they do"? Mention “long-term” and “short-term” in your response.

In this regard, what is the role of the role of the Board of Directors -- should they be very involved (overly involved)? Or, should they rubber-stamp everything that management puts forth? What does Sarbanes-Oxley say about Board involvement?

Note, our PowerPoints include some special issues about strategy, including:

Strategy is about asking the right questions:

What must managers do, and do well, to make

a firm a winner in the marketplace?

Strategy requires getting the right answers:

Good strategic thinking and good management of the strategy-making, strategy-executing process.

First-rate capabilities and skills in crafting and executing strategy are essential to managing successfully.

Is that all that “strategy” is about"?

Take a piece of this intro and "run" with it! Use some real-life examples -- use Google, if necessary -- discuss your job; discuss your former job; what about the job(s) of your parent(s); or any organizations that you've read about; etc., etc., etc.!

View the slides again from Chapter 1 and other articles, books, and slides; read the chapter core concepts; read the chapter outlines; and, of course, read the chapters .

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Strategy and Why it is Important
Everybody has a particular way of doing something to make it successful. This is referred to as strategizing. The strategy encompasses setting goals, outlining the necessary actions to achieve the goals, and putting together resources needed to execute them (Kruhse-Lehtonen & Hofmann). This means that it describes how the goals will be achieved through strategic thinking, planning, and action execution. It is important to have an objective in every endeavor and work towards achieving it. Anybody in an organization should have strategies, both long-term and short-term. The CEO sets his strategy while the whole board sets the strategy for the organization. Employee personal strategies work together with the organization's strategies to achieve the set objectives. Therefore, a strategy is important because it gives direction, creates a measure for success, enhances adaptability, and drives decisions.
A strategy is a driver for direction in all sectors. Everybody always wants to progress in their daily endeavors, and all would be i...
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