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How To Improve The AT &Ts Workplace Culture And Employee Satisfaction

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Philosophy of Work Memo
TO: The CEO, AT & T- Randall L. Stephenson,
SUBJECT: How to improve the AT &T’s workplace culture and employee satisfaction
Understanding organizational behavior is important since workers who are satisfied with their work are more motivated, committed and productive. This is beneficial to the employees and the company, but the challenge is to create conditions and a work environment in which employees are comfortable, motivated valued and satisfied. Efforts to maintain cohesive and motivated teams should go beyond the incentives and reward programs to further improving professional development and creating opportunities to foster long-term growth. I believe that the management needs to improve workplace culture and engagement and this will lead to greater employee commitment. The purpose of this memo is to highlight ways to improve the AT & T ’s workplace culture to motivate employees in an environment where there is an open culture; open communication chooses the right candidates, promote learning, a supportive environment, and articulation of the role of expectations.

While there has been a focus on enhancing personal and professional development, there is a lack of open culture, and this problem is affecting working relations as there is little time for teams to work on projects. It is important that the organization has strong teams, which are supported at all times, allowing them to solve problems together and all members participating openly. Making changes in the workplace culture is necessary as the closed culture in some departments are leading exclusion, and this is affecting employee productivity and competitiveness negatively. Even though, the workplace has adopted a policy of open culture; the management has not always supported open communication with employees failing to get feedback on time and employees mainly interacting with those in similar positions.
One of the ways that management can maintain a positive workplace culture is sensitive to the needs of different stakeholders and identifying candidates who best fit the company’s culture. If there is a better system in place to identify employees who show promise that they can deliver the most effective solutions that meet the customers’ needs, then this will motivate them as they are rewarded and recognized for their efforts. As AT & T compete to attract the top talent, identifying candidates who are sensitive to making positive changes will ensure that there is greater support for changes in the workplace that foster the well-being of communities where the company operates.
Improving internal communication is closely linked with having an open culture, but there is more emphasis on improving working relationships. The employees feel valued when...
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