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Accounting, Finance, SPSS
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Answer to Questions Accounting, Finance, SPSS Essay

Essay Instructions:


(1) How many types of decisions one corporation needs to make? Could you please show two examples for each type?

(2) What are the functions of financial managers? Ideally, could one person both be a controller and a treasurer? Why?

(3) What is agency cost? How could we reduce this cost? Please show at least two ways and illustrate how they work in detail.

(4) What is the goal of the corporation? Is it desirable for managers to act in the narrow, selfish interest of their shareholders?


(1) These two are both open questions, so there is no unique answer for them. Please show your personal understandings on these questions as deep as possible with reasonable explanations. Please be aware that these two are essay questions, not short answer questions. So a simple answer, such as few sentences without a reasoning process or detailed explanations will lead to a low score.

(2) You do not need to rely solely on your textbook for answering these questions. Instead, I encourage you to obtain more information from other resources, such as online materials or asking for suggestions from financial professionals.

(3) Moreover, I need you to show citations of any resources you used in your answers, at the end of each question. There is no unified form of citation, simple website links or strict journal formats are both OK. Why I need the citations is to show our respects to other persons' efforts and contributions.

(4) Duplicated answers will be punished. You can search for open resources does not mean that you can simply copy&paste them. You have to digest the information and answer the questions in your own words. Therefore, if I find some students who submit almost the same or duplicated answers for a question, these students will receive zero for that one. So you are at a very high risk of receiving zero if you just simply copy&paste some answers.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
 Answering Accounting Questions Student
Answer to Questions
Requirement 1
A firm's success and prosperity depend highly on the decision making process. To stand out in the market and get jobs done, the firm has to make crucial decisions in every department. Some critical decisions that the firm has to make are listed below;
* Financing Decisions
* Investment Decisions
* Capital Budgeting Decisions
Financing Decisions include the catering of stockholders in a company. The bond valuation and percentages of dividends are highly dependent on financing decisions (Brealey et al.). For example, if a company decides to issue new shares or bonds for capital generation, the financing decisions will help in this process.
The Capital Budgeting decisions include the purchase of tangible and intangible assets for the firm (Namanda, p. 2). For example, if an airline requires new planes, the Capital Budgeting department will be responsible for allocating the funds required. The costs incurred in the Research and Development are an intangible asset allocated by the Capital Budgeting Department.
Requirement 2
A financial manager's job is to effectively analyze the data and help generate ideas based on the data to maximize profits (Br...
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