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The database approach is dominant now and will dominate in the future!

Essay Instructions:
SECTION A (Applied theory) Your supervisor has been asked to deliver a brief speech on the following topic: ((The database approach is dominant now and will dominate in the future!)) Write a memorandum to your supervisor (300-400 words) providing your opinion on the issue fully supported by factual information. This is not a research essay and you should not reference or provide a bibliography. Selected Readings 1.1 and 1.2 provide you with sufficient material to answer this question but you might wish to look outside as well. You must write the essay in your own words and make sure you do not exceed the absolute limit of 400 words. Review the marking criteria (below) before you write the essay. MARKING CRITERIA SECTION A 1. Memorandum is in an acceptable format and the content addresses the topic directly. 2. Memo demonstrates knowledge of relevant sections of the selected readings. 3. Memo is grammatically sound. 4. Memo is structurally sound, for example is contains well-developed paragraphs. 5. Memo demonstrates the ability to develop an argument and draw appropriate conclusions. 6. Memo is free from spelling and punctuation errors. 7. Memo is the work of the student and is written in the students own words.
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Company Name HereMemo
Date:  DATE \@ "d-MMM-yy" \* MERGEFORMAT 29-Apr-12
The Database Approach is dominant now and will dominate in future
Over the years now, management and storage of data has significantly transformed from the file-card box, via the first (file based) digital version, to the modern database systems. Most companies and large organizations are heavily relying on the database approach system in order to keep track of their daily transactions, personnel data, and inspection and training programs. The success of our jobs and national security rely heavily on the maintenance and tracking of data. Almost all common personal computer database programs at our work places use the database approach method. A database is a collection of interrelated data stored in a database server. A major goal of the database is to provide means of storage and retrieval of data in a manner which is fast and efficient. That is why, the database approach is dominant now and will dominate in the future. There are many benefits of using the database approach and we will discuss them in relation to this analysis.
In database approach, a single data repository that is defined once then accessed by several users is maintained .A crucial phenomenon of this approach is that the database system does not only consist of data but also a complete definition and description of these data. These descriptions range from details about the extent, the structure, the type, and the format of all data to the relationship between the data. These definitions are stored in a system catalog known as the metadata. Nevertheless, a software application does not need any knowledge about the physical data storage like format, or encoding it only communicates with the database management system via a standardized interface ...
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