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Differentiating between land administration, land policy, and land management

Essay Instructions:
- the assignment has foure questions each question need at least 500 word - I request for 8 pages, each question into two pages - each question need 3 sources - for quesion one select Australia to write about it - be attention for marking scheme for all question - if you have any question please ask me
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Land administration
Question 1
Differentiating between land administration, land policy, and land management
The perceived differences between land administration, land policy and land management may clearly be brought out by closely examining the meaning of each of the terms and its application. For instance, land administration may be perceived as a system which comprises of a variety of sub-systems which actualise strategies aimed at accomplishing land policy implementation and also other policies in the system of land management (Ginger, 2000, p.35). Land administration reflects the implementation system concerning binding strategy. It involves various independent sub-systems, wherein each serves own fundamental objectives, although they ought to operate in harmony so as to attain proper administration of the built and natural environments. The sub-systems involved in land administration comprise of those associated with utility management, administration concerning planning of land use, environmental planning and land taxation, land tenure management and management system of land information which connects these systems (Colebatch, 2006, p.7). It may also be perceived as process regarding recording, determining and releasing of information concerning land use, value and ownership when executing policies concerning land management.
Land policy is expressed as plan or basic principles which offer suitable guidelines concerning various land aspects like use, ownership as well as transfer (Loomis, 2002, p.27). It is important because it helps in trimming down conflicts concerning land due to its capacity to offer suitable guidelines which direct ways through which land is handled. Land policy stands out as a national policy part concerning objective promotion like political stability, equity and social justice, and economic development. It is apparent that land policies have often been associated with land speculation preventive measures and land disputes management; land provision to women, ethnic minorities and poor; sustainable control and management of the environment; natural resources and land use; taxation regarding real property; land markets (especially access to credit and land transactions); and tenure security.
Land management refers to maintenance as well as use of land in accordance with principles’ set so as to realise certain purposes like recreational activities and crops’ cultivation (Ginger, 2000, p.36). It may also be expressed as control practices of development as well as use of the land resource both in rural and urban setting. Management is usually essential because it facilitates appropriate land use in activities like eco-tourism projects, management regarding water resources, reforestation and organic agriculture. Land management is usually aimed at ensuring that sustainable development is achieved.
Illustration concerning management paradigm of land within Australia
Within Australia, the activities concerning land management may be expressed by components which include functions of land administration, information infrastructure of land, and land policy which are all aimed at supporting sustainable development (Colebatch, 2006, p.9). Foundation of administration theory concerning modern land may be expressed as the management paradigm of land wherein land development, use, value, and tenure are holistically considered as omnipresent and essential functions carried out by societies which are organised. In this paradigm, Australia delivers the policy goals it holds concerning land through the use of various tools and techniques to accomplish resources and land management.
This paradigm utilised within Australia allows the nation to experience development which is sustainable in form. This is because it incorporates various aspects which comprehensively contribute to desirable land management. For example, it applies environmental, social and environmental aspects which promotes sustainable development, applies substantial framework concerning land policy, institutional arrangements within the country context and information infrastructures of land (Colebatch, 2006, p.12). All these aspects are essential due to the fact that they have promoted attainment of desirable land management outcomes within Australia.
Source:  HYPERLINK "/plantilla-egeo.asp?id_articulo=1646" /plantilla-egeo.asp?id_articulo=1646
 HYPERLINK "/mikebarry/definitions" \l "top" 
Source: ( HYPERLINK "/sis/Land_Theories/Land_Management_Paradigm.html" /sis/Land_Theories/Land_Management_Paradigm.html)
Question 2: A notion of land ethics; land preservation is promoted by communal ownership.
The word ‘‘own’’ have different meanings than in modern American language. First, it means the idea of possessing power to control something. For instance, to own a car means to have full control over the car; you can ruin it if you wish. The other side is, I own Jesus, refers that He has complete control over me. Land is not freely alienable; is not confine to a clan or agricultural societies. Land is just a similar thing like air or sea that belongs to the both living and non living beings. Such a natural resource cannot be sold because it belongs to God (George, 2009, p.21). Mother earth plays a caring role to living beings; hence to possess, control, plow, or destroy land cannot be a right of anybody. For example, fencing or selling a piece of a land is abomination and ridiculous; it is immoral. Land belongs to the whole village and it is supposed to be shared. Land should not be a source of real estate resources; it is a place for neighbours to stay. Land needs a lot of restoration, and costing a land in terms of money and other property is so negative.
Lindsay and Cart (2000, P. 26) claims that land needs not to be owned but to be leased for duration of time, probably not for more than 99 years. It belongs to the government only; even native people should not own it in a state. Instead, a government needs to give an individual a piece of land, and if such a person fails to develop a specified land, then the land is given to somebody else. Indeed, People need to be allowed to own properties like houses and carry out activities on land but not to possess ownership on natural land. In other words, people are only allowed to lease a portion of land; even foreigners in a nation are welcomed to do so.
For Lindsay and Cart (2000, P. 26), individuals need to lease land right from ministry land affairs. Such a person obtains a certificate of occupancy; which portrays size and location of land issued. And the leased people are not supposed to buy or sell land for a gain or a profit; since land is communally owned by a government. A person needs only to receive permission for constructing a house or doing an activity in the land. In fact land is not just a property or commodity the manner current people use it for economic interests (Klein, 2007, p.19). It is an essential, natural and a living element in ecological system. Banking customers use land as collateral property in commercial institutions of which should not be the case; it is a loss of sacredness. ‘‘Something is right when it focuses to preserve beauty, stability, and integrity of ecological community’’ (Lindsay and Cart, Pg 27)
Summarily therefore, people should have moral obligation to land as a basic resource. Mother earth is an indivisible being; surely, each creature plays its role in the world. And indeed, human beings are mere part of that system; they should not dominate and exploit any divinely created things. Human beings, therefore, needs to change his attitude from conqueror of land resources to plain contributor and friendly citizen of it. Human interest should be for long term service that aims for healthy ecology; unf...
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