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The Chi-Square Test

Essay Instructions:

You are expected to review four of the seminar topics of the following; 

((1)Chi-Square Test- (2) Comparing Means, T-tests and ANOVA- (3)Correlation- (4) Regression)

- What are the techniques used for?

- Can you find examples of studies in your area making use of these techniques?

- Can any of these techniques be used to address the kind of research tasks you plan to undertake?

- Are there any limitations to the use of these techniques?

you you be marked based on the following:

1- Well-organised report; highlighted sub-sections; coherent discussion.

2- Exemplary coverage of the technique by using relevant examples.

3- Explained with the help of examples/ theories.

4- Comprehensive coverage of the main limitations of the technique.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The following statistical techniques are used to find relationships between one or more variables. In this case, the study of these techniques is to find their significance, uses and limitations as an approach of investigating the financial and operating performance of firms before and after Initial Public Offerings. These statistical methods will be used to study how the performance of most firms does indeed deteriorate after they go public. The markets in question are the Saudi Arabian firms where 52 public offerings made by the Gulf Cooperation Council will be investigated.
The Chi-Square Test
The Chi-Square test determines the difference between observed frequencies and expected frequencies in one or more categories. Questions like whether the number of objects or individuals that fall in each of these categories differ significantly from the results you expected arise. The difference in results can either be due to sampling errors or it could be the real difference. There are requirements that are needed in order to perform a Chi-Square test. These requirements are the presence of one or more categories, an adequate sample size, a random sample, data recorded in frequency form, quantitative data, and independent observations (Carver & Nash, 2011). The use of prior knowledge about the frequencies observed in a previous test is used to estimate an expected frequency in the current one. The expected frequency is calculated by multiplying the sample size by each of the frequency proportions observed in the previous test. In the investigation of long run post IPO performance in Saudi Arabia, an extensive investigation of data collected between 2003 and 2010 was carried out. Al-Hassan, Delgado and Omran, after investigating stock returns of 47 IPOs were able to predict the reasons for bad performance in the long run. The limitations of the chi-square method in delicate cases like these, is that to confirm normality, it has to be used alongside another different technique like the t-test method. Another limitation of the chi-square is that all values measured must be independent. This means that if you fit an extra category into a chi-square, the analysis is no longer appropriate. The other limitation is that all the data in a chi-square must be frequency data. For example, if you are calculating how many firms perform better after an IPO versus how many firms perform much worse, then a chi square is appropriate. The chi square technique is also dependent and sensitive to the sample size (Carver & Nash, 2011). The chi-square technique is not appropriate for small sample sizes. The chi square does technique does not give so much information about the strength of the relationship between two variables.
Comparing means: The T-test and ANOVA
The T-test analysis is used to compare group means. It is normally used to determine differences in two sets of averages (Mitchell & Jolley 2010). The t-test is limited to only comparing two groups. One way ANOVA on the other hand can be used to compare more than two groups. The t-test assumes that samples selected for comparison come from normally distributed populations with unknown averages. Using the matched pairs approach, the performance of the IPO before and after the event is compared. The comparison in this case highly depends on the formulated hypotheses. The first hypothesis states that the operating performance of Gulf Cooperation Council IPOs deteriorates after the event. The second hypothesis is as based on comparison between the lack of opportunities theory and the change in performance of these IPOs. The third hypothesis is formulated under the assumption that the change in the ownership structure is related to performance change among the GCC IPOs. The fourth hypothesis assumes that the age and size of the GCC IPOs are related to the performance and that well established IPOs perform better than the rest. Normality of distributions can be numerically tested using the Shapiro-Francia W (N<=5000), Kolmogorov-Smirnov D (N>2000), Jarque-Bera, Shapiro-Wilk (N<=2000) tests, and more. The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was developed in the early 20th century by R.A Fisher. ANOVA seeks to avoid errors that may be made by the use of t-tests on large groups of data. (Dytham, 2010). The disadvantages of this technique are the assumptions that all population means must be roughly equal and all variances from each data group must be equal. In this case, the average losses made by the fifty two companies after going public must be relatively equal. According to empirical results of the 52 IPOs between 2003 and 2010, the ratio between the returns on assets, return of sales and sales to assets was compared to find operating performance. The mean and median values of each variables are reported...
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