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Peers, Family and Teenagers

Essay Instructions:
Q: both one's peers and one's family play an important part in any child's development. which do you consider to be the most important for teenager. ( while peers are important in forming the character of a young person,it is the parents and wider family who play the most important role). please copy the sentence between brackets in introduction and the argument about this sentence. I need 300 words, referaces 2 books, 3 website
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Peers, Family and Teenagers
The parents` influence on their child is prominent during his early years of development since he is greatly dependent on their parents at the time. Genes have impact on this rapport; however, purportedly, as children reach adolescence, they tend to get past their relationship with their parents and establish new ties with those of their own age - those they would come to refer to as ‘peers` Mendeley Edited Citation{c499c7d5-f7b9-42f7-bcb2-57db9856387d} Prev{(Harris 2009)}(Harris, 2009). Both parties have always had significant influence over a person`s life; however, it`s always been an issue as to which of the two really have a greater effect upon the person. Then again, while peers are important in forming the character of a young person, it is the parents and wider family who play the most important role.
The parent`s method of handling their child in infancy actually has an effect on the child`s character later on Mendeley Edited Citation{e0178996-6827-4e81-82d1-3baa62baee7f} Prev{(Leonhardt 2011)}(Leonhardt, 2011). For instance, if during infancy the parents have already patently expressed their love for the child then the child is apt to grow up comfortable in his parents` care; otherwise, he would feel dejected and unloved thus possibly resorting to alternative pursuits. Likewise, the parents` response towards their child`s behavior through maturity also matter Mendeley Edited Citation{05eb4d87-eaf7-4a36-a74d-dada824cc6d2} Prev{(Martin & Fable 2009)}(Martin & Fable, 2009). For instance, if parents exhibit punitive reactions to misbehavior, chances are that their adolescent child will either garner low self-esteem or get revengeful and begin defying them. Evidently, adolescent children raised in a household characterized by sensibility and sensitivity are more likely to grow up wholesome and upright in manner Mendeley Edited Citation{3a28e068-2446-405c-b5d2-c302ae428b67} Prev{(NIH 2006)}(NIH, 2006).
In point of fact, parental influence does not necessarily decline at the arrival of peers in their child`s life, especially when they enter their teenage years Mendeley Edited Citation{4c2b6b5a-ab09-4595-a65a-62bf4c31b38b} Prev{(Lerner & Steinberg 2009)}(Lerner & Steinberg, 2009). Peers are only there so that the teenager could have someone of his/her own age he/she could truly relate with since more often than not, teens find it uncomfortable to discuss their personal matters with their parents and thus, they turn to their friends instead. Nevertheless, the family is where a person starts his/her socialization and it is where he/she will ultimately still come back to; hence, their influence will undoubtedly always tower over any other. Moreover, regardless of whether it is discernible or so subtle, it will still always be present through a young person`s development.
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